Cottage cheese is a fermented milk product with a largethe protein content obtained by separating the whey from milk. It is necessary for the human body primarily to maintain calcium levels in the bones and is the staple food in the diet of young children.

The composition of cottage cheese also includes all the irreplaceableamino acids, as well as in the composition of meat, but unlike it, cottage cheese can be absorbed much better. The product is indispensable for the growth of body tissues, it strengthens nails, hair, teeth, provides optimal performance of the muscular and nervous system. About what useful substances and vitamins contains 100 portions of cottage cheese, read in our article Curd composition.

For more information on the benefits of cottage cheese, see Why cottage cheese is useful.

How much cottage cheese should you eat?

The daily norm of cottage cheese for the human body is about 200 g for an adult and 20 g for 150 g for a child, depending on his age.

According to the content in the fat curd, it is classified into several types:

  • low-fat (less than 3% fat);
  • average fat content (9%);
  • fat (18%).

About when it is more useful to use each of the types of cottage cheese with the maximum benefit for your body, read in our article Cottage cheese: when there is.

With what is cottage cheese: tips

The question of combination of products is important in our diet to preserve the beneficial properties of each product, as well as for maximum benefit to the body.

  • Cottage cheese is universal: it can be consumed and sweet, for example, with honey, berries, jam, with condensed milk, sour cream.
  • It is ideal for baking - cheese cakes, curd cakes, wickets with cottage cheese.
  • Curd mass from cottage cheese and fruit (apple, banana, pear, peach, kiwi) or nuts is an ideal nutritious dessert.
  • Cottage cheese is consumed in a salted form - with herbs,vegetables (cabbage, pepper, zucchini, onions, carrots). You can make a cream of cottage cheese or curd pasta, also with the addition of herbs, garlic and smear on a sandwich.
  • Some gourmands love the refined combination of cottage cheese with coffee.

However, there are a number of products that nutritionists do not recommend to combine with cottage cheese:

  • Foods high in protein: beans, nuts, eggs, fish, meat products;
  • Starch-containing food: cereals, bread, potatoes;
  • Sugar of all kinds: white, fruity, syrups of sugar.
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