Jam is a fragrant and delicious dessert thatI like adults and children. Cook it best yourself, because then it will be very useful. Do this properly, using the tricks and secrets of experienced hostesses.

Preparation of berries and fruits

If you decide to cook jam from fruits and berriesfrom their site, then it is necessary to collect them only in clear and sunny weather. After all, if you tear them in the rain, then they absorb the moisture. As a result, the jam will turn watery.

Berries and fruits for jam necessarily have to beripe, do not use the unripe, because the finished dessert will have a specific taste. If you are cooking jam from berries, they must first be washed (except raspberries), removed stones (if any), and then covered with sugar and left for several hours. Fruits are also thoroughly washed under running water, and then cut or divided into lobules, remove bones, the core (for pears and apples), and also the pedicel.

Choice of dishes

To prepare jam is necessary only in widedishes. Then the excess liquid from it will evaporate much faster, while the fruits and berries are cooked evenly. You can not use for this purpose containers that have stains of oxide or rust, because the jam will come with a bitter taste.

The process of cooking jam

Cook the jam on low heat. Be sure to stir it with a wooden spatula. Do it all the time, otherwise the jam will burn. During the preparation of the jam, foam will form on its surface. It must necessarily be removed with a noise or spoon. To sustain on fire jam it is necessary after boiling no more than 7 minutes, differently fruits or berries will wrinkle and will have unappetizing appearance. In this case, you can again put it to cook after cooling. Everything will depend on what kind of jam you are cooking. After all, for each species there are time intervals. This is described in detail in the article How much to cook jam.

To determine the preparedness of thefirst check the quality of the syrup. Drip a small amount on a saucer. If it starts to spread, it means that the jam is not ready. If the syrup retains its shape on the saucer, then it is possible to remove the mass from the fire, provided that the berries or fruits do not float to the surface.

Twisting jam

Rolling jam is necessary in dry hotbanks, which are pre-sterilized. Lids to them boil over medium heat for 10-15 minutes after boiling. To lay out on the banks you can only cool jam. After it has been swirled, turn the containers downside down and leave them in the room under the rug for 1-2 days.

With detailed recipes for preparing this dessert from various fruits and berries, you can see in these articles:

  • How to brew jam
  • How to cook a delicious jam
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