Goji berry means "the fruit of longevity". Of the dozen varieties of plants, only Tibetan berries have medicinal properties. How to take goji berries? Berries in dried form can be eaten whole or added to various dishes as a seasoning. The daily allowance is 1 tbsp. spoon.

How useful is the goji berry for the organism

Goji berry has a unique composition. In addition to vitamins, minerals and amino acids, berries contain germanium and 4 polysaccharides, which have no analogues in any plant. The concentration of some nutrients is amazing. For example, berries contain 500 times more vitamin C than oranges, iron - 15 times more than spinach.

Mineral germanium prevents the appearance of tumorsand restrains their growth. Therefore goji berries are used for the prevention of cancer and post-operative treatment, reducing the negative effects of chemotherapy and radiation exposure.

Goji berries activate the activity of immunecells and increase the body's ability to resist colds and infectious diseases. The reception of berries promotes the rejuvenation of the body as a whole: memory improves, cholesterol level decreases, kidney and heart work normalizes.

Goji intensify libido, help with infertility and problems with bearing a child. Effective reception of berries in case of problems with eyesight, arthritis and hypertension.

Recently, goji berries are popular amongwishing to reduce weight. With their regular use improves metabolism, accelerates the process of disintegration of fat cells. It is important to know how to take goji berries for weight loss. They can be consumed in dried form (15-45 g. Daily) or cooked with infusion.

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