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How to decorate a homemade cake?

In our time it is difficult to imagine anya solemn event without a festive cake. It's no secret that the cake, which is baked at home, is a hundred times more delicious than the one purchased in the store. And if you take care of the decoration, then ordinary pastry will become a confectionery masterpiece of art.

How to decorate a homemade cake: options

If you are planning on another holiday to bake a cake yourself, it is worthwhile to think in advance how you will decorate it.

Decorating with fruits

Fruits are cut very thinly, spread from aboveon the finished cake or pour the jelly. Suitable for this purpose only fresh fruits and berries, so pick up options on how to decorate your home fruit cake can be exclusively in the summer-autumn period. For example, take a large grape, cut in half, cut into thin slices apples, pears. Then decompose fruit in a circle, alternating pears and apples with grapes, you can decorate the middle of a whole grape different color.

We decorate with mastic

Mastic is quite simple to make in the homeconditions, from it not bad different figures are obtained. Adding food coloring to the mastic, you can get the decor of bright saturated colors. The simplest option is to mix in equal proportions the powdered sugar, milk powder and condensed milk. The mixture should be kneaded to the consistency of plasticine - the mastic is ready!

We decorate with chocolate

From chocolate you can make leaves, flowers orfigurines. To do this, the usual chocolate (in tiles or weighted) should be held in a water bath to a liquid consistency. If you make a chocolate figure, then you just need to fill it with special molds. For the preparation of leaves it is necessary to take ordinary leaves with pronounced veins, brush them with chocolate and send them to the refrigerator on a tray for half an hour.

We decorate with a cream

Cream - a traditional decoration for most cakes, they can draw a variety of

patterns, leaves and flowers. To do this, an ordinary sour cream is suitable, for the preparation of which you need half a liter of thick sour cream and a half cup of sugar, beat. If the mass is not thick enough, you can add a thickener. Then the resulting mass is spread into an envelope of waxed paper, put on the right nozzle and squeezes out the patterns on the surface of the cake.

If you are interested in other ways of decorating a cake, we recommend reading the article How to decorate a cake.

Choose the shape of the cake

You can show your imagination in the choice of formfor the cake. Very original options, when the birthday boy receives a gift not a round or rectangular cake, and a dessert of the original form. Most often you can find cakes in the form:

  • books,
  • pillows,
  • chests,
  • soccer balls,
  • phones,
  • figures,
  • cartoon characters,
  • sculptural image of the female breast, lips, other parts of the body.

You may also be interested in the following articles:

  • How to make a decoration for a cake
  • How to decorate cake with cream
  • How to decorate with mastic
  • How to decorate a fruit cake
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