Smoothies - a cocktail, which is traditionally preparedfrom fruits or vegetables with the addition of milk, juice, etc. The recipes of smoothies are huge: there are smoothies of fruit, vegetable, berry, with milk or yogurt, with juice, with herbs, with honey, with ice ... You yourself can come up with Your recipe, depending on your imagination and taste.

To make smoothies you mustyou need a blender. The more solid vegetables and fruits you grind, the more powerful the blender is. Blender - a useful thing in the kitchen, with the help of it you can cook not only smoothies. About this you can read in our article What to cook in a blender.

How to Make Smoothies: Tips

Smoothies are more useful than freshly squeezed juices and fresh,because it contains dietary fiber, which is extremely necessary for our body. For example, it is good to eat smoothies for breakfast or as a useful snack. Consider a few tips on how to make smoothies at home:

  • For a basis it is better to take ripe bananas. They will give the cocktail a sweet taste and creamy consistency, make your drink satisfying. In addition, the use of bananas contributes to the active development in the brain of serotonin - a hormone of happiness.
  • In addition, you can add any berries andfruits: strawberries, cranberries, apples, pears, blueberries - in short, everything that you love and that will be at hand. Also you can add frozen berries, for example, in winter.
  • Liquid. It can be water, milk, juice, yogurt, kefir. Add the right amount of liquid based on the desired smoothie consistency.
  • Useful additives. You can turn your smoothies into a full breakfast or even lunch, if you add a choice of flaxseed, bran, oat flakes, dried fruits, nuts, honey, cottage cheese. In a word, show imagination, experiment.

And finally, here are some traditional recipes for smoothies. In a blender, mix the following ingredients:

  • banana, 100 g. blueberries, 100 ml. natural yogurt, a handful of nuts;
  • banana, 1 glass of milk, a handful of oatmeal, a teaspoon of honey;
  • banana, 100 grams of fresh or frozen strawberries, a glass of orange juice;
  • banana, a bowl of fresh spinach leaves; a glass of orange juice, nuts, bran, etc.
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