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How to cook a honey?

Cake "Medovik" is considered a real classic. There are a lot of recipes for this dessert, they differ not only in the ingredients, but also in the manufacturing technology. To find "your" cake, you need to try a few recipes, and the most delicious can be read below.

How to make a custard with a custard?

Thinking about how to make a cake "Medovik", you should pay attention to the recipe with the custard. For dessert, the following components will be required:


  • 1 egg;
  • Medovik
    250 g of butter;
  • 400 g of flour;
  • 200 g of milk;
  • 50 g of honey;
  • salt - to taste.


  • 300 g of butter;
  • 300 g of milk;
  • 600 g of sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 20 g of flour.

Rinse the butter with a fork and add flour to it. In another container, mix the milk, salt and egg, beat well and add this mass to the butter. Stir the dough with your hands and divide into 10 equal parts. Roll out the cakes and bake in the oven at 200 °. When you remove from the baking crust, do it neatly, as they can easily be broken.

While cakes are baked, you can cooksweet. First, beat the eggs with sugar to create a lush foam. Then add flour and milk to the mass, put it on a weak fire. When small bubbles appear, remove the cream from the plate. Allow it to cool for 20 minutes. Lubricate the cakes with cream and decorate with fruits. The honeybee should stand for 2 hours, after which it can be served to the table.

Recipe for a honey with sour cream

Many housewives would like to learn how to cookcake "Medovik" with sour cream to make it gentle. You can use the recipe below. To prepare a treat you will need the following products:


  • 250 g of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g of butter;
  • 40 g of honey
  • 10 g of soda
  • 750 g of flour.


  • 500 g of fatty sour cream;
  • 1 packet of vanillin;
  • 250 g of sugar;
  • nuts for decoration.

Whisk the eggs with sugar, add honey andsoftened oil. Put the mass in a water bath and add the soda. Heat the mass to a caramel color, stirring constantly. Then remove it from the heat and cool slightly. After 10 minutes, add flour and knead the dough. Divide it into 8 cakes. Roll them in thin layers and put in a preheated oven for 5 minutes.

Whip the cooled sour cream with sugar, addvanilla. Then layer the cakes with cream, decorate the cake with nuts; You can also grind one cake and sprinkle them with dessert. The cake should stand in the refrigerator for the night. In the morning, you can take a sample. Bon Appetit!

Now you know how to make a honeycomb, but ifI want to make a variety in my menu, you can try to lubricate the cakes with various creams. In this case, you will certainly benefit from our article - How to make a cream for a cake. Thanks to her, it will be possible to create completely new combinations, which, undoubtedly, will be appreciated by the household.

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