Ginger is known for its medicinal properties since12th century. It is an amazing product that is not only very tasty, but extremely useful. Ginger can cure hundreds of diseases, and as a preventive remedy, it is simply irreplaceable. Applying it, no disease will overtake you. In addition, it is used in cooking, in some weight loss systems and even, with proper use, is the strongest aphrodisiac.

However, the most widespreadmethod of treatment with ginger tea. It is important that to achieve a healing effect, you need to know how to properly brew ginger. Preparation of such tea takes very little time, but the effect will truly surprise you. This is the first remedy that must be used for a cold. Ginger tea will calm the cough, relieve perspiration in the throat and speed up the separation of sputum.

How to brew ginger root

The recipe is for 0.5 liter teapot.

  • From the root of ginger break off or cut a piecethe size of a 1.5-2 quail egg, wash it and peel the skin with a knife. We rub our piece on a large grater and put it in the kettle. It turns out a tablespoon with peas on a liter of water.
  • In the brewer add a slice of lemon or squeeze the juice of lemon, put a tablespoon of honey.
  • Fill all this composition as follows: about a fifth of the fill the brewer cleaned with cold water, mix everything thoroughly, and then top up with hot water, stir again.
  • We insist tea for 5 minutes and it's ready.

There is another recipe for brewing ginger, in whichginger is brewed into slices. 20 grams of ginger pour one cup of boiling water. You can add mint, lemon balm, lemon or honey. It's a matter of taste. This tea is infused for 20 minutes. This drink has an amazing toning effect, it can replace coffee.

How to make tea with ginger for colds

Break off a small piece of ginger, sizewith a quail egg, mine, peeled and grated. In the end, you should get 1 teaspoon. Fill grated ginger with one glass of boiling water and insist 20-30 minutes. Drink this tea 3 times a day. If there is no allergy, you can add a spoonful of honey.

How to brew ginger on the basis of black tea

This recipe is very simple, but not less useful thanthe use of ginger in its pure form. Rub the fresh ginger on a fine grater and add half a teaspoon to the usual brewing portion. However, it is necessary to insist such tea for 20-30 minutes, and after filtering. With such brewing, all the beneficial properties of ginger remain.

In general, the main thing is to preserve the beneficial properties, do not boil the ginger. And in the rest you can connect fantasy and come up with your exclusive recipe based on the knowledge you have already gained.

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