Because of its unique flavor, garlic ismany kitchens of the world as an indispensable seasoning. Let's talk about how to eat garlic, what it combines and what benefits it brings, and also tell about the most popular varieties of garlic.

How to eat garlic: tips

  • Garlic is eaten raw in a snack with bacon or boiled meat or rub it with black fried bread, and sprinkle salt on top.
  • Also, garlic is added to ready meals as a seasoning, for example, in soup or borsch, jelly, stewed vegetables, especially in combination with zucchini.
  • Special taste and aroma of garlic gives dishes from chicken, for example, chicken broth.
  • In addition, you can create an unforgettable aroma, if you rub garlic chicken breast before baking.
  • Garlic is perfectly combined with other meat dishes, especially cooked from mutton.
  • Many people like pickled garlic, which is eaten with potatoes and mushrooms.
  • Also it is added to hot sandwiches or sprinkled with fresh vegetable salads.
  • Remember that sprouted garlic can give dishes a bitterness.

Varieties of sharp Gulliver and tender Scythian

More acute types of garlic, such as Garpeque orGulliver, are more suitable for hot dishes of Mexican and Oriental cuisines, for example, for adzhika or carrots in Korean. But the varieties Polessky, Garkua, Scythian with a medium-mild tender taste will fit well into the ensemble of spices to less spicy dishes. If you have a big feast and need to cook a lot, it will be faster to polish garlic with large denticles - these are Gulliver and Alekseevsky Gigant. But for one-off use, varieties with small denticles, for example, Harpek, will fit, because a large tooth at a time one person may not eat.

Natural tablet

Garlic is a natural antibiotic. It contains mustard oil, phytoncides, vitamins and trace elements that help strengthen immunity, dilute blood, kill harmful bacteria and many parasites and prevent aging of the body. Therefore, for vitamin support of the body, as well as preventing cold and flu, garlic is very useful for taking during epidemics of respiratory diseases. Eat at least one clove a day, preferably with honey and lemon. And to freshen breath after its use it is possible parsley, cinnamon or cardamom.

Garlic against diseases

Moreover, garlic warns far moreserious illnesses than colds, in particular, cardiovascular diseases. It helps to improve digestion, remove toxins from the body, reduce blood pressure and blood sugar, increase the productivity of neurons. But how correctly to eat garlic to maximize its healing effect? For this, experts advise to use garlic in raw form.

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