Often the desire to eat does not arise fromfeelings of hunger, but from boredom or nervous tension. And often people in such situations wonder: what should I eat to get enough? After all, sometimes you want something sweet, hearty or sour, and maybe even flour.

But, when choosing a specific product, one should rememberthat food directly affects human health, and therefore it is better to replace harmful products with useful ones. So you can satisfy your imaginary hunger, and improve your health.

What can I eat with health benefits?

Often, after a harmful meal, the desire "of somethingtasty "and remains, and it adds to the heaviness in the stomach, discomfort and mood deterioration.To avoid such misunderstandings, you should take note of the following tips:

  1. As soon as there is a desire to send myself in the mouthsomething to eat, try to eat 2 tablespoons of bran or a diet cracker. The stomach will be filled, the fiber will help the intestines work normally, and the desire to eat a bun will disappear.
  2. Get rid of cravings for sweet, but at the same timeextremely high-calorie food will help a handful of any dried fruits, or a spoonful of honey. In these products, a huge amount of vitamins and trace elements, they will benefit the body.
  3. But when you want something zhirnenkogo, it is better to turn your eyes to cheese tofu. And the desire will be satisfied, and, again, the benefit to the body.

Every time you ask yourself what to eat, remember this list. After all, a momentary desire to have a snack can always be performed with the benefit of health.

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