A dream in which a dead child appears,is a nightmare even for those who do not have their own children or seen an unfamiliar kid. Naturally, in most sonnics such a sign is treated as a warning about various bad events and changes. Most often they concern health. To more accurately interpret such a dream, it is necessary to consider the rest of its details. In this article we will tell you what a dead child dreams about.

Dead child: the interpretation of sleep

  • Often, a dead child in a dream personifies yourideas and plans in real life. In such cases, death means the death of your projects and the collapse of your plans. So many dream dreams are interpreted by dreams in those cases when a person dreams of someone else's child, whom he does not know, or his child, whom he does not have in real life.
  • If a dead child in a dream is calling yousomewhere, it should also be seen as a bad sign. In cases where you followed him, in real life you are in serious trouble or a serious illness.
  • Also, one should fear sleep, in which the deadthe child is offering to eat. Especially if you agree to his proposal and start eating with him. Such a dream also indicates the presence of a dangerous disease in the dreamer, which he probably does not even suspect. Therefore, after such a sleep, it is recommended to visit a doctor as soon as possible.
  • In addition, if you dreamed of your deadown child or a child of relatives or friends, this means a threat to the child himself. If he is in real life in childhood, expect serious illness, injury or other major trouble for him. When the dreamed child is actually an adult, you should expect big setbacks and a long period of bad luck. In such cases, the dreamer himself does not foretell bad events.

For other meanings, see our article What the Dead Look Like.

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