Capelin - fish up to 25 cm long - extraordinaryis popular. It is widely distributed in the northern seas, so its price is low. Taste qualities have made this fish a welcome guest in the kitchens of many countries. It is prepared very quickly. Let's remember how delicious to fry capelin.

Traditional frying

Everything is very simple. This fish does not need to be cleaned, it is not necessary to cut off the head. Just remove the insides, wash and dry. The following actions are as follows:

  • Prepare the mixture: flour, salt, pepper. You can add seasoning for fish or spicy herbs.
  • Roll each fry in this mixture and put it on a hot pan.
  • Fry for a few minutes on each side (the process takes 4-6 minutes).
  • Put on a dish, sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Fascinating aroma

All capelin is good, except smell, literallychasing you during cooking and some time after. You can, of course, cook capelin under the lid. But then it will not turn out a crisp crust favorite by many. How to fry capelin in a pan so that there is no strong smell?

Experienced housewives advise to change the compounding formula, in which the fish are dumped. Instead of flour, starch should be used - and the smell will not be so aggressive.

If in the end add sour cream or mayonnaise with spices and a little bit of fret, it's even more delicious.

Capelin in marinade

You can cook capelin in such a way that it will acquire a wonderful golden tint, characteristic of sprats or smoked fish.

The secret is in a special marinade. You need to brew tea, add sugar, salt, pepper and cinnamon, as well as a tablespoon of lemon juice and about half a glass of vegetable oil. Lay the capelin in a deep frying pan (can be in several layers), add bay leaf and cut onion rings. Pour marinade, cover and simmer for 50-60 minutes. The taste is excellent.

Here's how to fry capelin, to please the family and guests.

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