Khash is a national Armenian dish. It is a fat, rich soup, served very hot, almost boiling. In fact, it looks like our cold, if it is not chilled, but hot. But this is only an approximate comparison. And in Armenia almost every family has its own recipe, how to cook khash. However, recipes differ only in detail, and the basic technology of cooking remains unchanged. So, how to cook hash? To prepare this amazing dish you will need a kilogram of beef legs, 0.5 kg of beef scar, 1.5 heads of garlic and salt.

  • Required product for cooking hashis a scar. It is better to buy it already cleaned, since cleaning his occupation is laborious and quite unpleasant. The cleared scar should be cut in large pieces, put in a pot of water and cook, periodically draining the water until the unpleasant smell disappears.
  • Before cooking khash, bovine legs burn onfire, clean and pour water for a day, changing the water every two hours. Then once again, wash with water, cut into pieces, put in a flat low pot and, pour water, put the cook. Do not salt.
  • When the scar does not smell, it needspull out of the water and put into a saucepan, where the beef legs are boiled. The legs should be cooked on a small fire, regularly removing the foam and separately removing the fat that will be needed later.
  • In total, the legs need to cook hours 8-9. Hash is considered ready when the scar becomes soft, and the meat on the legs is easily separated from the bones. From the boiling soup, you should carefully remove the bones and pour in the fat that was collected earlier.
  • To the khash served separately sauce consisting of finelychopped and crushed with a knife of garlic, which is poured a small amount of hash. Well, if desired, garlic can be put immediately in hash. Salt is served separately and added to taste.
  • Usually kashu is served with lavash, which is wrapped in greens and large pieces of meat from the khash. A great addition to khash will be a salad of grated radish with olive oil.
  • They eat khash with their hands, scooping lavash soup, like a spoon. And at the end of the meal they eat the "spoon" itself.

Despite the fact that Khash is very fat and high-caloriedish, it undoubtedly deserves that at least occasionally the housewives prepare the hash. The recipe is not very simple, but the taste is completely unusual. And this is not surprising, since it has been practiced for centuries.

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