Peanuts are delicious nuts that we love inconfectionery, salty to beer, and toasted can be chewed. And at a time when we are enjoying this yummy, the question arises: how does peanuts grow? On the tree, you say and immediately make a mistake.

Peanuts are peanuts. The plant is from the legume family, but on its fellow humans - soy, beans, peas, it does not seem like it. It is different in that the fruits that we love so much ripen under the earth. Peanuts look like a silk cocoon.

Where Peanuts Grow

Ground nut loves heat and moisture. Therefore, the most suitable place for growing peanuts is the subtropical belt. But today he already feels well around the world. This plant is not choosy, so amateur gardeners recommend it grow at home. Up to forty beans give one bush, and the harvest must wait three to four months. During the growth of bushes like hilling. Beans are excavated in autumn, when they begin to separate well from the shell, and the leaves turn yellow. Nuts are washed, dried, and before consumption fry. Nuts are very fond of children. They are useful in that they contain protein, which is easily absorbed by the body.

In Europe, this plant due to its excellenttaste, very popular. In addition to being used in cooking, peanuts are still processed for butter. This oil is not inferior to olive oil in its quality. The plant nut is used as a feed for livestock. Its composition is not inferior to alfalfa.

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