Garnet is a heat-loving plant that givesstone fruit, although scientists have proven that it's all berries. True, the berry is not of small size and very complex structure. Outside the pomegranate is covered with a hard skin, and inside it ripens many small berries. Each of them is covered with an outer shell and each has a seed.

The value of pomegranate

It is difficult to list all the positive propertiespomegranate, but in general it is a large vitamin complex. Therefore, the use of pomegranate in its natural form or in the form of juice is often recommended by doctors for various diseases.

The pomegranate practically does not contribute to the appearance ofallergic reactions, even his presence in the children's diet is quite superfluous. For an adult garnet is just a delicious fruit; formed body vitamins are needed, but not as a child, using for its development every vitamin obtained. But since the children's organism is still unstable, it is necessary to choose only the best for it. How to choose a ripe pomegranate for a child?

At first glance, to assess the degree of maturitypomegranate is impossible, but this is for the unknown person's secrets. In fact, there are several ways, the use of which will allow you to determine how to properly choose a garnet and not lose with its maturity.

Criteria for selecting ripe pomegranate

It is worth paying attention to such external signslike the color of the pomegranate skin and its condition, size and weight, the sound produced when tapping, elasticity. The color of the rind of the unripe pomegranate is lighter, and in the overgrown pomegranate the peel is covered with cracks and often with dark spots. To buy a ripe pomegranate, you need to focus on the bright red or dark red color of the peel, which has no flaws in the form of cracks and stains.

The larger the garnet size, the more it is in itcontains berries. The ripe among the pomegranates is the one with the greatest weight among the fruits of the same size. This is justified by the fact that ripe fruits are heavier, since they contain more juice in berries. By tapping, the maturity of the grenade can be determined from the sound obtained. A metallic sound indicates that the fruit is a ripe, deaf sound that the fruit is not ripe, but muffled - about its over-ripeness. Pressing lightly on the grenade, you can also determine its maturity. Solid garnet - hence, unripe. Soft - means overripe. Only the elastic garnet will be ripe.

The source of vitamins

Now, knowing how to choose a grenade for a child,you can safely include it in the diet. Especially pomegranate is relevant in winter, when traditional sources of vitamins in the form of our fruits are expensive and not the fact that they are grown without the use of various stimulants, which subsequently have a negative impact on human health. Garnet is advised to eat for children and pregnant women to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Pomegranate is a pure product. The only problem is that it is imported to the country mostly in green. Therefore, methods for determining the maturity of garnet are of great importance.

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