Pork is the most consumed and favorite meat,especially in winter. Do not freeze in any frost will help lard, salted with garlic, with pepper, on a slice of black bread ... And from meat you can cook a sea of ​​various dishes! For beginners mistresses, I want to tell you how much to cook pork to cook delicious goulash, soups, salads on its basis.

Pork chunk

Pork in different dishes must be cut in different ways. If you cook it whole piece, then the cooking time is large, from 1 to 2 hours. It is very important to remember how to cook pork in this case. Put the meat in cold water, put on a strong fire, bring to a boil, remove the foam and reduce fire. On such a small fire, grind a piece an hour or two. Its readiness can be determined by punching a toothpick. A piece must give off clear juice. And on the cut, the piece must be gray, without redness. If you did everything right, the meat will be soft and gentle. If you have a multivarker, then it's very easy to cook pork, it turns out very tasty there, and it's cooked for 2 hours on the "Soup" regime.

Pork for soup

If you cook soup, then cut the porkbrusochkami 1 to 3 cm, or pieces of 1,5 to 1,5 cm. Also add the pieces to cold water, put it on the fire. It's also important to know how much to cook pork for soup. Pork young in soup is brewed half an hour before the food is put on. If the meat is not young, then cook on a small fire for 40 minutes. Then you put potatoes, fried onions and carrots, spices, bay leaves, and everything else you think is necessary: ​​cereals, pasta, beans. Soup is completely brewed for at least half an hour. As a result, your pork will be superbly cooked and fragrant. Boiling this way pork, you can make a goulash.


Consider how much time to cook pork, ifyou do not have meat, but different parts - ears, hoofs, tails, broom and insides. So, ears, tails, hoofs for the holland should be cooked for at least 3 hours. If the pig is old (you will recognize it in large sizes), then all this is cooked for 5 hours on a small fire. The smell, of course, costs at this time in the apartment is not very pleasant, but by the end of cooking everything will be fine. The main condition for cooking the cold is the perfect purity of the raw materials. It is necessary to thoroughly wash the pig parts, otherwise the unpleasant aftertaste of your dish is provided. Pork liver is cooked for no more than half an hour, otherwise it will become stiff. It is better to choose a young liver and cook it for 15 minutes. Kidneys are cooked for 35-40 minutes in whole and 20 minutes in pieces. Temptation, as a rule, is cooked as long as the ears. Some lovers of this delicacy cook it for 1 hour, then cut and another half an hour stew with onions and fry. And one more part of the pig is in demand in meat markets - language. From it they prepare an amazing jellied, make salads, bake in the oven with sour cream and nuts. Read more about cooking language in the article "How to cook a pig's tongue?". In conclusion, I note that it is pork that is optimal for daily cuisine and at a price and to taste!

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