By nature, a person does not belong tocarnivorous creatures. It is more reasonable and physiologically correct to eat juicy fruits of plants than to eat meat. Nature has provided all the options for human nutrition, and having excluded from the diet products of animal origin, it can continue to fully live, eating vegetable food, getting everything it needs from it. In addition, he can harmoniously combine in his diet fruits, vegetables and milk with meat.

Fruits, especially from the region where a person lives,the body is digested easier and more fully than meat food and exotic products imported from afar. It is the fruits that allow the body to purify itself, to be saturated and saturated with moisture simultaneously, suppressing putrefactive processes in the body (in the intestine), inhibiting the vital activity of the pathogenic microflora.

Definition and classification of fruits

To fruits it is customary to include juicy fruits of trees and shrubs, usually edible. Separate fruits according to the botanical characteristics of families, for example:

  • pome seeds (pears, quinces, apples);
  • stone fruit (peach, apricot, etc.);
  • citrus fruits (orange, lemon, mandarin, grapefruit, kumquat, etc.);
  • subtropical and tropical fruits (garnets, mangoes, pineapples, bananas, figs, etc.).

However, other methods of classification can be applied. Commodores of food products to a variety of fruits (as food) include berries and melons.

Nutritionists usually subdivide fruits and fruits bythe degree of sugar and fructose content on sweet (bananas, figs, persimmons, pears, etc.) and sour (lemons, mandarins, oranges, etc.). Mixing them is not recommended.

Lose weight on fruit

Reducing body weight requires reducingcalorie diet. Fruits are suitable for the process of losing weight just perfect. With a large volume, juiciness, they have low caloric content, they contain vitamins, essential oils, trace elements, fiber and fibers.

How to determine which fruits are useful forlosing weight? When studying diets, you can find the phrase: "Unloading day. Use up to 1.5 kg. any fruit except bananas. " Bananas are the most high-calorie fruit, but there are diets that are built on eating bananas.

For a slight decrease in body weight applyUnloading days on apples, pears, persimmon, tangerines, oranges. One type of fruit is consumed whole day in fractional portions. When choosing a fruit should take into account the characteristics of your body, an individual reaction to fruit.

Persimmon has astringent properties, so whenher intake is recommended or a mild laxative, or relaxing elements of nutrition. Citrus fruits can give an allergic reaction, so take them in large quantities with caution. If there is no way to carry out a full discharge, then half a grapefruit a day will significantly vitaminize your body and help get rid of toxins.

It is impossible to say which fruit is more useful for a person, since they have different chemical composition and nutritional value.

Fruit in the diet of pregnant women

The special physiological state of the femaleorganism - pregnancy, requires close attention. Nutrition in this period should be aimed at the correct formation and development of the fetus without compromising the mother's body. A balanced diet necessarily includes fruit. Which fruits are useful for pregnant women? When pregnancy recommends pears, apples, apricots, peaches, dried fruits (apricots and dried apricots), figs.


Pears contain a unique combination of essentialoils, vitamins E, A, C, P, B2, PP, folic acid, pectins, fiber, iron, manganese, potassium, iodine, molybdenum, cobalt, tannins, fiber and carbohydrates (fructose and glucose). Pear improves immunity and mood, normalizes the liver and kidneys, has an easy diuretic effect, which allows you to remove swelling. It can be eaten by people with diabetes and obesity.


Apples contain carbohydrates, iron, mineralsalt, pectins, vitamins, especially a large amount of vitamin C. It is better to use them in a liver form because they are better absorbed and positively influenced by the organism.


Bananas - starchy fruits with a high contentdietary fiber and potassium. The use of bananas is useful for the work of the heart, digestion. Another property of bananas - to neutralize acid, is used in gastroenterologists for the treatment of heartburn. For pregnant women, this quality of fruit plays a great role. Also bananas are excellent antidepressants. Even one banana a day prevents the development of chronic fatigue syndrome and seasonal depression or greatly facilitates their course.


Citrus fruits contain acids,suppressing putrefactive processes, vitamin C, especially during the season of exacerbation of colds. Water or tea with lemon, rinsing of the throat with this composition is quite compatible with the diet of pregnant women.

The use of fruits in folk medicine

Non-traditional medicine uses fruit in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Determine what is the most useful fruit, it is impossible, because their composition and effect on the body are different.

Pears treat the disturbance of metabolic processes,work kidney and liver, increase immunity, reduce the frequency of heart rhythm. Apple cleanse the intestines, vitaminize the body, remove salts of heavy metals (for this use baked apples). Bananas, apricots (dried apricots and apricots) support the work of the cardiovascular system, the digestive tract. Citrus fruits are saved from infectious diseases, autumnal depressions, reduce weight. Figs treat heart diseases. Mangoes are used to clean the intestines.

If you want to know which fruit is good for the heart, then start eating fruits with a high content of potassium, magnesium and vitamins. Your body itself will tell you that he likes more.

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