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How to cut a chicken?

Buying a whole chicken is beneficial, because you will haveall its parts, from which you can cook a variety of dishes: baked chicken breast for the guardians of the figure; Fried thigh for lovers of feasting; chicken wings in batter for true gourmets. In general, the main thing is to know how to properly split a chicken, in order to get all these parts in the proper form. Let's get started.

Cutting chicken: preparation, stages

  • Just stock up with a sharp, good knife. Kura has relatively soft meat, but it will be necessary to cut and skin, and somewhere to cut the cartilage and bones.
  • Decide on the place, whether you will cut into(then it should be big enough) or on the table (if you do not mind it). Place must be a lot to cut, lay aside chicken parts and unnecessary elements (skin, fat, veins).
  • The chicken carcass should be chilled, not frozen.

Now let's see how to cut the chicken.

Method 1

  • We put the carcass on the back, turning his legs toward him. From the legs and start. Pull the leg off from the trunk to the side and cut the skin first with a knife. Slightly twist the leg in the joint and cut the meat where it joins the breast. Cut the foot completely, do the same with the second.
  • We separate the thigh from the lower leg. Straighten the leg, with the inside facing upward. Cut at the junction of the bones, so that the shin on the bone and thigh turned out. You can do without this stage, leaving a whole leg.
  • Wings. Here your task is simply to grope the cartilage at the junction of the wing with the carcass. As soon as you feel, cut off the wing.
  • We separate the back from the breast. On the sides of the chicken carcass you will see a fatty streak, a line visually separating the back and breast. Use a knife or kitchen scissors. Where the line is no longer noticeable, act "on the eye", your goal is to get two parts: the breast and the back (from the tail to the neck). The latter is perfect for chicken broth, it should not be served, since the backrest is very "sluggish".
  • Breast can also be divided in half. Here you can act in two ways.
    1. Make neat cuts along the cartilage and carefully take it out, helping with hands. After simply cut the breast into two parts.
    2. The second way will seem to someone easier. Put the breast down with the skin and cut it in the center of the bone (it will take effort). When you cut a bone with a cartilage, cut the meat. You will also get two mats. The bone can be left, but can be removed (where necessary - cut, then help by hand).

Method 2

It does not differ much from the first. In general, only the sequence, to whom it is convenient.

  1. We lay the carcass in front of us as in method 1. We cut the chicken over the breast.
  2. Then we put it vertically on the "head", holding our hands by the legs, and cut to the end along the line of the spine. It turns out two halves: the right and left.
  3. Put one of the halves with the skin upwards and cut off the leg as in 1st method, i.e. on the line of attachment to the breast.
  4. Cut off also the wings.
  5. Do the same with the other half.

Here is an approximate theoretical description of how to cut a chicken. Video lessons and master classes will help to more accurately understand the technique and hone the skill.

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