Indeed, juice is tasty and useful, especially when it is made from natural products. How useful juices, you can learn by reading our article.

To begin with, let's examine what kinds ofjuices. The first type is fruit and berry juices. To fruit juices are all fruits and berries. Popular juices from the fruit family are orange, pineapple, peach, cherry, pomegranate and apple. No one disputes the beneficial properties of this kind of juice, it contains a whole "sea" of vitamins, which strengthen both the body and immunity, and some raise the mood. The second type is vegetable juices. To vegetable juices are all vegetables. The most popular ones are carrot juice, tomato juice, pumpkin juice and, of course, beetroot juice. Vegetable juices are the best juices for those who want to be strong and healthy.

Tomato juice is the best juice for diabetics

This is the only juice that helps withdiets, malfunctions in the intestines, problems in the cardiovascular system and patients with diabetes. How useful is tomato juice? The fact that tomato juice is rich in malic and citric acid, has a huge amount of iron, generous with potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium, which, as scientists have found, perfectly help the flow of metabolic substances in the body. Also, the juice has a low calorie content, which is so important for people who are overweight. Despite the richness of vitamins, tomato juice is not useful to everyone. With nephrolithiasis, tomato juice should not be drunk.

Pomegranate juice is a basket of useful vitamins

Than pomegranate juice is useful, everyone should know. A large number of vitamins, such as B1, B6, B2, A, malic acid, citric acid, silicon, copper, potassium, phosphorus. Probably everyone knows that pomegranate juice normalizes blood and improves hemopoiesis, which is why pomegranate juice is the first product in hospitals and donor centers. Despite the fact that pomegranate juice is one of the most useful, it has one small minus. When using pomegranate juice in its pure form, tooth enamel is significantly spoiled. To prevent this, it is advised to dilute pomegranate juice with boiled water.

Carrot juice is a guarantee of health

Carrot juice is very rich in different vitamins. Than useful carrot juice, everyone knows, who suffers from skin diseases. Also, carrot juice is recommended for drinking with colds, fatigue and lack of appetite. What is the magical power of carrot juice? The fact is that carrot juice has vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, which create a good anti-infectious weapon. There are no contraindications to this juice, therefore, it is recommended to drink it to everyone.

The Benefits of Pumpkin Juice

Pumpkin juice, despite the fact that it has a veryfragrant taste, not everyone likes. If a person first of all evaluates the taste of pumpkin juice, then he does not know exactly what the benefits of pumpkin juice are. This juice is a paradise for those who suffer from constipation and problems in the gastrointestinal tract. The minimum number of calories gives smiles to those who are overweight. Thanks to the vitamins that contribute to all this, we see a lot more smiles for the whole day. Unfortunately, the benefits of pumpkin juice will not be appreciated by those suffering from diabetes, since it is contraindicated to them.

Beetroot juice - your youth and health

Long-term experiments of scientists, on the subject: What is useful is beet juice, and the more harmful it is, made an unambiguous decision. As a result, it turned out that this juice is useful for athletes experiencing serious physical exertion, pensioners who have problems with the intestinal tract, children who want to be strong, hardy and healthy. All this is iron, iodine, sodium, magnesium and a small amount of calcium that are in this juice. Drinking this juice is recommended for people of all ages.

Birch juice - the richness of the forest

Than birch sap is useful, every forester knows. Birch juice contains a large amount of calcium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, iron, phosphorus, manganese and other nutrients. The benefits of juice are visible on the face, because it is birch sap that helps fight avitaminosis, weakness, fatigue, bad mood, poor stomach performance and youthful skin. Birch sap is the only juice extracted from wood. Unfortunately, the taste of real birch sap is not recommended for those with an allergy to birch pollen. The rest of birch sap brings only benefits, and it is recommended to drink it.

The benefits of potato juice

Few knew that there was a potatojuice, which is even very useful for a person. What potato juice is useful, we'll tell you. This juice contains a huge amount of vitamin C, E, PP, B. Potato juice is useful for diabetics, stomach ulcer, suffering from kidney and liver diseases. Treatment with potato juice is often used for treatment not only as a folk remedy, but also as a perfectly fine medicine by doctors. The use of potato juice has been tested and proven many times, therefore, a lot of patients experience devotion to it.

How useful are freshly squeezed juices

The fact is that this juice has much moreamount of vitamins and minerals. Most juices are recommended to drink in freshly squeezed form. It is proved that such juice has more value. But not only does it bring fresh squeezed juice. For pregnant women, young mothers who breast-feed require compulsory medical advice.

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