Juices that are made from fresh berries, vegetablesor fruits are very tasty and useful. They contain a lot of vitamins and microelements, various kinds of enzymes, pectins, organic acids. They also contain organic structured water and essential oils. That is why juices made from natural raw materials are so useful and have high therapeutic and nutritional value. In this article, we will show you how to drink juices correctly.


Like any other medicinal or medicinalmeans, vegetable and fruit juices must be taken in accordance with certain rules. It is worth noting that most of the fruit juices can be consumed as a breakfast or an afternoon snack, or an hour before meals, well, or after several or more hours after a meal. In case you constantly consume juices in breaks between meals, the stomach will not rest. Because juices require digestion. And the work of the stomach without rest often leads to indigestion, gastritis or other disorders. Unlike fruit, vegetable juices can be consumed before and immediately after meals. But the best option is to use vegetable juices for 20 minutes before a full meal.

Do not dilute juices with mineral water. It is also worth remembering that the use of carbohydrate-rich juices, during chronic diseases of the intestinal tract, after or directly in the process of ingestion, can provoke an intensification of fermentation processes in the intestine, which can lead to an exacerbation of the pathological process. With normal and low acidity of the stomach, juices are consumed half an hour before a meal, with increased formation of hydrochloric acid in the gastric tract, the juice should be consumed in an hour and a half after eating.

Modes of use, or how to take juices

There are several modes of drinking juices:

  • Everyday drink for the prevention of various diseases.
  • Unloading days - about 2 liters of juice a day.

Because different juices can have on the bodyall-round influence, consuming them in large quantities for more than three days, it is worthwhile to consult a physician beforehand. For preventive purposes, juices are consumed in small amounts. At the same time, their action is slower than that of medical devices, but the result is more reliable. The course of use should be systematic, for a couple of weeks. If a certain combination of juices does not show the proper results, it is changed to another one. Basically, to determine the therapeutic effect, it takes about five days.

Freshly squeezed juices: how to drink

  • To obtain excellent in quality and usefulon the properties of freshly squeezed juice, you need a good juicer, and, of course, fresh, undamaged vegetables. At a time, only one serving of juice is prepared. The exception to this rule is the beet juice, which must be brewed in a cool place, and therefore, it can be prepared with reserve.
  • Freshly squeezed juices initially usedit is necessary with some caution and in not too large quantities, and the use of beet juice should be reduced to one tablespoon. Over time, the portion should increase depending on the type of juice. So more than 100 ml of beet juice to use is not recommended, but tomato or apple, you can drink several cups at once. It is better to consume freshly squeezed juices in the morning, before meals.
  • Freshly squeezed fruit juices, can be dilutedstill water. Vegetables are diluted in any case. Juice from yellow, red or orange vegetables should be diluted with vegetable oil, or cream, or by drinking, they are seized with something greasy, otherwise, carotene can not properly digest. The remaining types of juices can be diluted with apple, in a 1: 2 ratio.
  • Freshly squeezed juices should be consumed immediately after their preparation, in the opposite case, all the useful substances contained in the juice, simply collapse suddenly.

Also, how to take the juice, with the least damage to the body, can tell a dietician.

And finally, consider the rules for the use of certain varieties of juices.


  • Pineapple juice - eaten while eating, restrictions - peptic ulcer and gastritis.
  • Apricot juice - consumed a few hours before meals, restrictions - diabetes.
  • Grape juice - eat several hours before meals, or immediately before meals, restrictions - chronic bronchitis, diabetes.
  • Orange juice - it is best not to eat on an empty stomach.
  • Pear juice - used 15 minutes before meals, restrictions - colitis or pregnancy.
  • Cherry juice - eaten during meals, to bind fat, restrictions - increased acidity and stomach ulcer.
  • Tomato juice - eat with a little addition of vegetable oil, at any time, restrictions - increased intestinal peristalsis, or simply put, a tendency to a liquid stool.
  • Black currant juice - is used at any time, and there are no restrictions.
  • Apple juice is good for eating during feasts, and for weight loss you can drink it a few liters per day, restrictions - increased gas formation in the intestines, flatulence.
  • Pumpkin juice - drink at any time, you can drink with insomnia, mixing it with honey, in the amount of one glass a night, there are no obvious limitations.
  • Plum juice - eaten while eating, to reduce weight, restriction - a tendency to a loose stool.
  • Carrot juice - used strictly frommeals. When you use it, add a little sour cream or a teaspoon of vegetable oil, restrictions - with prolonged use, skin tissue can become dyed.
  • Cabbage juice - will help in the treatment of stomach ulcers, or lose weight for a couple of kilograms, if you consume a liter of juice during the day, but in small portions. It is not combined with food intake.

I hope we helped you figure out how to drink juices, and these drinks will only benefit you.

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