Beet, as you know, is a very useful product. Someone likes cooked beets with mayonnaise, and someone prepares from it more refined dishes. From our article you will learn not only how to properly cook beets, but also how to choose it, what and how to cook.

How to choose beets

Sellers today are capable of everything in order tosell you their products. Unfortunately, not all of these products are fresh and of high quality. After all, instead of table beet you can buy beet fodder, which is intended for other purposes.

Here are some tips for choosing beets:

  • Keep in mind that fodder beets are large enough, while the dining beet is medium;
  • Table beet is more dark compared to the stern. The latter has a light tint;
  • Tasty and fresh beets are smooth, its surface is uniform, without cavities and unevennesses throughout the area;
  • The skin should be dense and a little reddish shade. Pay attention to the fact that there should be absolutely no, even initial, signs of rot.

Using our recommendations, you can choose a tasty and fresh table beet. Now, let's talk about the most important thing - how to cook beets.

How to cook the beets quickly, in a saucepan

How to cook beets by the classical method, everyone knows. For this you need to wash it thoroughly, boil water and cook it in it for about an hour. Roots and roots, in any case, are not cut off. Beet is considered ready when it can easily be pierced with a fork (toothpick). Nothing complicated, however, this way will have to cook for a long time.

If the beets need to be cooked quickly, then use this method:

  1. The beets are washed, but neither tails nor roots are cut;
  2. The pan with water is put on the stove and brought to a boil;
  3. It is not necessary to add water. In unsalted water, the beet turns out to be more delicious;
  4. Beet is lowered into boiling water and cooked for fifteen minutes, no more;
  5. Next, the beets are removed and immediately filled with cold running water for five minutes.

After that, the beets can be cleaned and cut. It will be soft enough for cooking because of a sharp temperature drop. For an even better effect, after cooking, the beets can be beaten with cold running water and immediately sent to the freezer for twenty minutes.

This method is good when you have little time forcooking. However, some people believe that this method destroys in the beet all the vitamins. An alternative way is to prepare beets in a double boiler.

How to cook beets in a double boiler

Varya beetroot in a double boiler, you store in it all the vitamins. Plus, it's brewed much faster than just in a pan.

For example, we need a beetroot cooked with a double boiler for vinaigrette. What are we doing?

  1. We clear the beetroot from the peel and carefully rinse it in water;
  2. Cut beet cubes (well, or straw, if necessary);
  3. Transfer the cut beet into our steamerand cook for about twenty minutes. Many steamers think the time is not accurate, so mark it better on a regular clock. Or, if you know the error of your steamer, be sure to take it into account;
  4. Remember, it is better to digest beetroot in a double boiler, than to underactivate;
  5. After the specified time, the beetroot will be ready.

How to cook beets in a microwave oven

Steamers, unfortunately, not all. While microwaves are present in almost every kitchen. So, in the end we will tell you how to cook the beetroot in the microwave:

  1. Carefully wash my beets;
  2. We pierce holes in it with the help of, for example, toothpicks or forks;
  3. We put the beets on a plate (or in a package, as the beet can spatter slightly, thereby the friable inner walls of your microwave oven);
  4. Note that water is NOT needed;
  5. We send the beets to the microwave for ten minutes (taking into account the fact that the microwave operates at a power of about 800 watts);
  6. After the specified time, the beet will be ready.

As you can see, this method will take even less time. If your microwave is not so powerful, then put the timer a little more for a longer countdown.

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