Onion... As a child, I might have frowned when I heard such a combination of words. But one day, after trying the pickled onion in an instant cafe in Finland, I just fell in love with this spicy taste with sourness. From that moment I tried many different ways of marinating onions. With a few of them I hasten to share with you. So, let us together answer the question: how to pickle onion properly?

Marinated onion is very suitable for various salads, gives them a piquant taste.

How to pickle onions for salad?

Cut 4 onions into half rings and place ina deep glass container, previously scalding it with boiling water (so as not to bitter). For 1 liter of cold boiled water add 4 tablespoons of 9-percent vinegar, 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of sugar. Pour the cooked onions with the resulting marinade and put in the cold for 2 hours. Add to taste in the salad you cooked.

How to pickle onions in vinegar?

2 - 3 onions cut into half rings. Pour it with warm boiled water, add 9 percent acetic acid (1 tablespoon vinegar per half liter of water), sugar, salt, black ground pepper to taste. Stir well and cool for half an hour. Vinegar can be replaced with juice of one lemon, as well as add different greens to your taste.

How to pickle onions and beets?

1 kg of onions cut into rings, scaldboiling water and put in a glass jar. Cut the small beets into pieces and put them in a jar with onions. Dilute wine vinegar with water (1: 1 ratio), pepper and salt to taste. Pour the onions and beets with the resulting marinade. Infuse in the cold 24 hours. Serve as a garnish to the meat.

How to cook a spicy pickled onion?

Peel and cut into half rings 500 g. red onions, scald and put in a deep ceramic bowl. Finely chop 3 cloves of garlic. Onion sprinkle with coriander (1/4 teaspoon), red and black pepper to taste (or use Curry seasoning), granulated sugar (1 teaspoon), add the garlic and salt. Pour 100 ml of vegetable oil, 9% vinegar (1 tablespoon), diluted in a glass of water. To stir thoroughly. Keep in the refrigerator for an hour.

How to pickle onions in Georgian?

4 peeled bulbs dipped in boiling water for 3minutes. Cool, cut into rings and put in a ceramic container. Wine vinegar diluted with water (1: 1), salt and add to your taste a variety of seasonings: bay leaves, cinnamon, cloves, coriander. Pour onion marinade and keep in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

How to pickle onions in Asian style?

0.5 kg of medium bulbs cleaned, boiled waterand put in a glass jar. Mix 5 tablespoons of dry pink wine with 3 tablespoons of vodka (if possible, then use sake), add 200 ml of rice vinegar and 4 tablespoons of sugar. Put the mixture on the fire and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Pour onion marinade and cover the jar with a lid. After the bank has cooled down, put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Onion will acquire a gentle pink color.

So, I tried to share with you variousrecipes for marinating onions, from simple to original. Try, experiment, look for your recipe. And remember that the pickled onion is not only a tasty and juicy additive to various meat, fish dishes and salad, but also a very useful treat. Bon Appetit.

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