"Martini" is customary to drink either in pure form or inthe composition of cocktails, for example, with juice. For some people, pure Martini is too sweet and strong to taste. In this case, it is advised to dilute it with juice. Diluted "Martini" has a softer taste and is drunk much easier. In any case, with what it is better to drink "Martini", everyone decides for himself. And for those who do not know how to drink Martini with juice, we will give a few recommendations.

The first and most important rule is to serve "Martini"must always be chilled! Before you dilute "Martini" juice, in an empty glass for "Martini" you need to throw a couple of small ice cubes. Then pour 100 ml. Martini and 100 ml. juice. They drink a cocktail of straws.

Now let's see what kind of juice the Martini drink. It is better to use freshly squeezed juice. If you buy juice in the store, be sure to pay attention to the content of sugar in it. The less it is, the more it suits us.

Traditionally it is customary to drink "Martini" with two kindsjuice: cherry and orange. By the way, if you chose red or pink vermouth, then they will perfectly combine with these two traditional juices. A citrus fruit juice can effectively drown alcohol in a drink, which helps the stomach dissolve the alcohol faster. Also very many prefer lime or lemon juice, it nicely removes the sweetness of martini and is very refreshing. Distributed and a variant of drinking Martini with grapefruit juice. But this cocktail is more like an amateur.

"Martini" - a well-known brand of vermouth, it will be beautiful in any combination!

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