So, before we understand what to drink red martini, we will understand what we know about Martini in general terms?

Martini is a vermouth (kind of aperitif), a low-alcohol beverage. Produced in Italy.

There are four types of martini: vermouth Rosso, vermouth Extra Dry, Bianco and vermouth Rosato (see also: what to drink Martini Rosato).

Martini Rosso

Martini Rosso, the very first vermouth releasedMartini. Its production began in 1863. For the production of Rosso, white sweet vermouth is first produced. Then additives are added to it from various herbs to give flavor. Traditionally, this drink includes caramel. It is she who gives the Martini Rosso an amber-red color. This vermouth, as a rule, has a rather high sugar content, more than 15%. Slightly bitter, tart taste and rich aroma is typical for Martini Rosso. With what to drink it, to feel all the notes of this wonderful drink?

How to drink Martini Rosso: options

In Martini Rosso usually add ice or lemon. Often it is drunk with juice.

A great popularity was the use of thisvermouth in various cocktails. The famous Manhattan cocktail (with the addition of whiskey or rum), Classic Martini, the Bronx cocktail have a Martini Rosso. With what to drink it, if there are no expensive alcoholic drinks of a different kind? In this there is nothing to worry about, since drinking Martini Rosso is possible with ordinary juice, it is better, of course, with freshly squeezed (you can with apple or cherry).

More popular is the Martini Rosso among the males, as it has a rather large fortress (16%). Girls usually prefer the sweeter and light Martini Bianco.

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