Cut roses can stand up to you to thirtydays, if you know how to properly store roses. There are some well-known methods of storing roses in a vase, with which we will introduce you.

First of all, when flowers are brought home, theirit is worth "drinking". During transportation, the flowers are dehydrated and exposed to stress, so before you put the flowers in a vase, put them for three hours in the water so that the water covers the stems and leaves. For this procedure, a bucket is suitable. It is important that the water does not fall on the buds, otherwise they can start to rot.

While the flowers are getting repainted, prepare the water forvase, in which the flowers will be already constantly. The quality of water is very important for flowers. Ideal is thawed or distilled water, however, well-maintained tap water. Small amounts of chlorine in water do not cause significant harm to flowers and prevent the reproduction of putrefactive bacteria, and tips on how to store roses, say that to prevent color reproduction, it is necessary to prevent the multiplication of harmful organisms in the water. To do this, add a tablet of aspirin, sugar (based on 20 grams per liter of water) and 1 teaspoon of vinegar per liter of water. If you do not have aspirin - you can use citric acid, which is also suitable for disinfection of water. It is desirable to change this solution daily.

It is not so important, at what temperature to store roses, although the room at night colors in the cool will contribute to the long-term preservation of flowers. Flowers need room temperature without changes.

To get enough flowers, cut the stem 2-3 mm daily. and make sure that the stems are not covered with air bubbles. It is not recommended to store roses in metal containers.

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