Modern market realities are good becausetoday, in almost any field, there is a lot of competition, which means you can find the same, but cheaper. But where is cheaper to buy different things? You will now find out about this. Consider the main categories of goods: food, clothing, various equipment, etc. Well, let's start, of course, with "daily bread".

Where to buy products cheaper

As a rule, buyers pin high hopesto large grocery network centers, whose names are known to everyone, but the situation with network stores is far from as unambiguous as one would like. Some products in these hypermarkets are really cheaper, but there are products, the price for which is 1.5 or even 2 times higher than in many other places. And the lowest prices for products are also in online stores, but not too large. In general, amateurs can save money by purchasing products by category, because the same vegetables can be bought cheaply in some chain stores, and the prices for, say, meat products there too will be too high, well, and so on by the same principle. In particular, we are in the family in three stores of various networks, and the savings are considerable.

Where it is cheaper to buy clothes and shoes

Here everything is much simpler: Avoid all kinds of "boutiques" and specialized stores, unless, of course, you do not have excess 30-50 thousand rubles for some sweater or summer dress. At the same time, one should not go to extremes and buy clothes in second-hand clothes - even though the clothes there are chemically processed, yet we should not forget that it is already worn and unknown by whom and in what conditions. The best option for buying clothes is large shopping centers for clothing and footwear, which position themselves as economy class stores. In each city you can find enough of them. Of course, you can also dress in the markets, only before that, be sure to touch the clothes, see how good it looks. There is also one more category of shops and shopping centers - for not too fastidious buyers. Once I went to such a store and went shopping very pleased: it was possible to buy pants, a shirt and a cardigan, meeting 1000 rubles. And what is the focus? - you ask and you will think: really second-hand? Of course not. Just in these stores are selling new things with minor defects - when visible to the eye, and when not. Say, somewhere there may be a pocket with a small hole, somewhere not too carefully processed seams, somewhere sticking out threads or a thing is not sewn, well, etc. It would seem, little things, but on such little things you can often save a lot of money, especially if there is no desire to overpay. And to eliminate such defects - a couple of trifles for almost any person. Also, clothes and shoes are good to buy on sales of customs confiscate - there are excellent samples and not at all expensive.

When it's cheaper to buy air tickets

For the purchase of air tickets there is a specialtime, which is called low season or, in English - low season. This time comes in the middle of January and lasts until the middle of March. It is believed that in the low season few passengers fly, and hence the prices for tickets fall significantly, and this is an ideal time to buy. As for places to buy air tickets, it is best to make them through the Internet - in this case you can save a good amount, as opposed to buying at the ticket office or order by phone. Well, and finally a few words about the different techniques.

Where is cheaper to buy machinery

Many now buy equipment via the Internet, andthey are absolutely right, because the economy is solid, and the quality is not worse at all, especially since when you take the equipment out of the store, you can check its working capacity right on the spot. As for the specialized stores, the prices there will always be higher, because they spend big money on rent and on staff salaries. Concerning the alleged advantage in quality, then from the purchase of a substandard product you are not insured anywhere, and in the online store you can then exchange it in the same way, happen such a nuisance. So do not overpay and buy equipment on the Internet.

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