The desire to start fish at home entailsa decision of the primary important task - the purchase of an aquarium. A beginner aquarist in order to cope with the decision of a question, how to choose an aquarium, it is necessary to know some nuances.

Of course, the main point will be the definitionTheir requirements and the purpose of the future aquarium. First of all, it is important to allocate space for the home of future pets, from the area of ​​which the size of the aquarium will depend. In calculations, it is important to take into account the fact that besides the aquarium on the dedicated table, it will be necessary to arrange additional attributes, such as a backlight or a compressor.

In addition, choosing an aquarium for the interior of the house,it must be remembered that in the first place the aquarium must meet all the conditions and requirements of its future residents, which should be as close to natural as possible. Life and reproduction of fish is possible only in a properly selected tank and with careful attention. Certain fish can live for a while in a small vessel, but eventually they will need a living space with a large volume of water. Behind a large aquarium is much less trouble and anxiety compared to a smaller aquarium. An important factor that encourages a choice for a larger home pond is that the fish will grow better in such a reservoir. For listed and many other reasons, the most profitable and successful choice will be a larger aquarium, at least 100 liters. The opinion of inexperienced fans that less aquariums require less time for care and maintenance mistakenly.

In order for the fish to feel fine inaquarium, water must contain soluble oxygen, the effectiveness of which depends on the amount of carbon dioxide in the water. Maintaining the level of the required and suitable for the life of fish gas levels is much easier in a large aquarium. But not all aquarists can afford to put in an apartment or house a large aquarium. A small area of ​​many apartments will accommodate only a small tank for fish. In this case, it is important to pay attention to the size of fish being purchased and populated in such an aquarium.

Which aquarium is better: square or round?

The next issue of concern for fishDetermining which aquarium to choose is the choice of its shape. An important role is played by the pursued goal of such an acquisition. In the interior of the house the aquarium of square or rectangular shape will perfectly fit. Watching fish in such a home pond will be pleasant, which is impossible in a round aquarium, through the glass whose visibility will be slightly distorted. To decide which aquarium is best, you need to accurately determine its purpose. For a better view, a rectangular aquarium is suitable, thanks to the convenience of which, the fish will be clearly visible. But at the same time, the important factor is that in the aquarium, where the breadth is as much as possible higher than the height, pets feel better.

On such a serious issue one can not lose sight ofattention to no small things, including the quality of the glass and the seam. It is necessary to examine with special care all the connections of the carcass and glass, in which the likelihood of leakage is high. In no event can you buy an aquarium with a sharp chemical smell.

The first step in deciding which aquariumit is better to buy, becomes the choice of the place of purchase, whose reputation should be worthy. Of course, the best such place will be a pet store, which has a specialized aquarium department. Important in choosing and the manufacturer, from the fame and reliability of which depends the quality and durability of the aquarium.

Which aquarium should I buy?

Determine the choice will help a detailed classification of aquariums by parameters such as designation, manufacturing technology and type.

Destination - this is one of the main indicators, considering which you can buy any of several species of aquariums.

  • The first of the species is spawning, intended for those cases when the goal of fish breeding is getting as much caviar as possible.
  • The second is an incubator used for development from the resulting eggs of larvae.
  • The third is a vigorous aquarium intended for breeding fry, transferred from an incubator aquarium at a 2-3-week age.
  • The fourth is a quarantine and medical aquarium, which is used for fish treatment and quarantine.
  • The fifth type - decorative, the purpose of buying which can only be the decoration of the interior or the supervision of pets.
  • Another species on this basis is a common aquarium, in which it is possible to settle fish and vegetation of any origin and habitat.

And if pets have a common origin, then theiris placed in a geographical aquarium. But in the Dutch aquarium, the main part is occupied by plants that create an underwater garden in which fish perform a complementary role. Pursuing the purpose of monitoring the behavior and relationship between fish of one species and genus, a species aquarium is acquired.

The technology of manufacturing the aquarium is simple. Aquariums can be divided into 4 types, depending on the material and technology:

  • Frame, represented in the form of a frame of metal and joined the bottom with walls of glass;
  • frameless, supported with silicone rubber;
  • aquarium from plexiglas;
  • asbestos-cement, made of a single piece.

All kinds have their advantages and disadvantages. But for a home pond, the frameless aquarium is the most suitable because of its low cost and ease of use due to its small mass.

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