Your ficus began to yellow leaves, a plantlooks unhealthy. You are in the feelings of looking for reasons and trying to save your pet. We will tell you why the ficus turns yellow, and what to do to prevent this process. So, what can cause yellowness of the leaves?

  • Natural causes. After 2-3 years, all the leaves of the ficus are changed. This happens gradually, beginning with the lower ones. If the leaves yellow gradually, but not massively, there are no grounds for experiencing, in the case of mass yellowing, it is worth starting to sound an alarm. After 2-3 years, all the leaves of the ficus are changed. This happens gradually, beginning with the lower ones. If the leaves yellow gradually, but not massively, there are no grounds for experiencing, in the case of mass yellowing, it is worth starting to sound an alarm.
  • Change of living conditions. Ficuses very painfully perceive all surrounding changes. The plant can begin to turn yellow from a banal rearrangement to another location or incorrectly performed transplant conditions. If you rearrange the pot, before the plant begins to deteriorate, return it to its place or create the most similar conditions for light, temperature and moisture. When transplanting, strictly adhere to the size of the pot, the consistency of the substrate and the watering regime.
  • Incorrect watering. Very often the cause of yellowing of the plant is just the wrong watering. Such a plant as ficus can not be waterlogged. You can water it only after the soil has completely dried in the pot right down to the bottom (to check this, use a wooden stick). If you accidentally redirected the ficus, during the next couple of weeks it does not need to be moistened anymore. Perhaps the plant will not improve. In this case, you need to transplant it into another soil, having previously cut off the roots damaged by rot.
  • Conditions of detention. Ficuses are brought from the tropics, so they love light, but direct sunlight can damage the plant. Shade the ficuses in the summer and control the temperature regime, which should vary from 18 to 20 degrees.
  • Pests. Carefully inspect the plant for pests. If they are seen or you are suspected, treat the ficus with special medications.

Well, we figured out why the ficus turns yellow. Create for your room pet comfortable conditions for growth, and it will every day please you with its beauty and greenery!

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