It is always pleasant to receive fresh flowers as a gift, but they so delight the eye and fade in a few days. If you want to learn how to save a bouquet for a long time, then these tips will be very handy.

How to keep a bouquet?

  1. Avoid sudden temperature changes. Flowers can quickly wilt, if you carry them from frost to a warm room. In this case, place them on the windowsill so that they can get used to the new conditions.
  2. Pay attention to the stems. Having received flowers as a gift, look at the condition of the stems. Flowers lose moisture through the slices, so it is necessary to prevent dehydration. Make fresh cuts with a sharp knife and immediately lower them into the water so that an air cork does not form.
  3. Do not forget to change the water. Fresh water is very important in order to preserve the bouquet longer. Change the water in a vase of flowers every day, especially during the heat and in rooms with dry air.
  4. Watch the state of the water. Before you put flowers in the water, make sure that under the water there will not be rotten leaves.
  5. Use additives. Many keep cut flowers in clean water, but it can be improved and prolonged life to flowers. In specialized flower shops you will be offered mixtures for addition to water. If you do not know how to keep the bouquet longer, the seller will pick up a suitable supplement. Even ordinary sugar added to the water will allow you to enjoy the bouquet longer than usual.
  6. Pay attention to the flowers. The more buds on the stem of a plant, the more vitality it requires. As soon as the flower begins to fade, trim it so that the rest stay fresh.
  7. Spraying flowers will also be useful,especially if the bouquet has many small flowers and leaves. It is important to remember that spraying can not be carried out in direct sunlight. Velvety leaves and buds can deteriorate from contact with water, so it is also better not to spray them.
  8. If the stem of the flower gives off milk, it canquickly pollute the water. In this case, the stem must be quickly burned over the flame of the candle. Water will penetrate into the hollow stem, and the cut will not contaminate it.

How to save a bouquet of roses?

Roses are considered the most beautiful flowers, but alsothe most capricious. It's difficult to keep track of them, so very often they have to be thrown out very quickly, but you do not want to do it. If you want to learn how to save a bouquet of roses, then follow these simple rules:

  • Remove all thorns from the stem of the rose, and cut off excess leaves.
  • Before you put roses in a vase, make a freshoblique cut, so that the area of ​​water absorption was as much as possible. It will be good if you cut the end of the stem a few times, so that the water gets through these incisions. If the stem of the rose is too strong, then use a hammer to crush it.
  • If roses wilted, then there is a way to quickly revitalize them. To do this, make new cuts and dip the stems into very hot water.
  • To the roses do not fade longer, do not put them in a vase with other flowers. Even if you were given a bouquet, take out the roses and put it in another vase. These flowers do not tolerate the neighborhood.

These tips will help how to save a bouquet of flowers,and decorate them with your house for a long time. Each type of flowers has its own characteristics, but we tried to list the most common and effective ways.

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