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How to paint a bath?

During the operation, the bath can lose itsan attractive appearance and will need to be updated. It can be radical - buying a new bath, and maybe less costly - painting it. The second option we will try to implement. After all, throwing a cast-iron bath only because the yellowness appeared, it is not necessary, it will last a very long time, it is only right to paint it.

You do not need to be an expert to understand that you can not paint a bath with ordinary paint. For this, special means are needed.

Choose the paint

The main manufacturers of paints that can be used for bathroom renovation are:

  • Dulux is the leader in the production of paint and varnish coatings. His product is "DuluxRealifeKitchen & Bathroom";
  • Tikkurila is a company from Finland, popular in the Russian market. Her
    Painting the bathroom
    product - Luja coloring system;
  • Jobi is a German brand, recognized for its high quality. Its product - "JobiWaschFest", has increased resistance to abrasion.

From which producer will be selected, dependsthe duration of the bathroom, its attractive appearance. If you prefer cheap analogues to paints from well-known manufacturers, then after a while you can get a peeling of the painted surface, because of its low moisture resistance.

Most often they prefer to paint the bath with white, blue or green enamel. More information can be found in the article - How to paint a bath.

If you doubt whether you are able topaint the bath with your own hands, it's better to turn to specialists, because inept use of tools can further complicate the task. But if there are no such doubts, we can safely proceed to the preparatory stage of the work.

Preparatory stage of works

Before you paint the bath at home, you need to clean it properly.

Remove the lime and fat deposits.

Here we will be helped by detergents having an alkaline composition. The whole surface of the bath is heavily wetted with the solution, left for a while for exposure,

Painting the bathroom
then carefully wipe. This procedure should be carried out before the removal of the old paint, and after.

We remove the old enamel.

After cleaning and degreasing the surface, proceed to remove the enamel with a special tool that has abrasive nozzles. For example, it can be a grinder.

You need to remove only the top layer, or allenamel whole. If you do this unevenly, the surface of the bath during painting will not work smoothly and will lose its appeal. (Work on grinding should be carried out in goggles, a respirator and gloves to prevent small particles and dust from entering the eyes, as well as the respiratory tract and skin).

If in some places the enamel does not lend itself, then to avoid damage, you can use hand tools such as sandpaper or a metal brush.

After the bath is completely cleaned, it is thoroughly washed and allowed to dry, some even use a dryer to dry the surface. Now the bath can be painted.

We are beautifying the bath

First apply a coat of primer, and then the paint itself.

During painting, the door to the bathroom should be closed, it is recommended

Painting the bathroom
keep closed and do not even go into the room atduring the day after painting. This will help prevent dust from entering the bath surface, since if this happens, the work will have to start again.

It should also be avoided in the room temperature differences, this process may adversely affect the drying process of the paint.

To the bath after the coloring served as long as possible, it should be carefully looked after.

Care of the restored bathroom

You can not:

  • use products containing abrasives, as well as cleaning products such as "Belizna", "Domestos", "Silit";
  • wire wool, hard brushes;
  • means containing an acid;
  • soak in the bathroom for a long time, especially linen materials;
  • pour cool boiling water (at first you should let warm water, and then hot);
  • put on the bottom of the tank metal containers (basins, buckets). If there is such a need, you need to lay a rubber mat.

More on this topic is discussed in the article - How to update the bath.

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