Plaster today is, perhaps,the most common finishing material. Before preparing the plaster, it is necessary to know that it consists of three main components: binder, filler and water. As binding agents and fillers, various materials can act, the main thing is that the consistency of the obtained mixture resembles a dough.

How to prepare cement plaster

It is necessary to know that for the preparation of plaster,in the first place, you need to choose an astringent. This is cement, lime, clay or gypsum. Cement, as a rule, is used for facades made of stone or concrete.

To prepare a cement plaster,You will need cement (1 part), sand (2-3 parts) and water in the amount necessary to get the consistency of the dough. In the box, cement and sand are poured in layers, then the mixture is diluted with water and thoroughly mixed to the desired density.

How to prepare mortar for plaster with lime

For the preparation of lime plaster you need 1part of the lime paste mixed with sand (from 1 to 5 parts - depending on the fat content of the dough) and water. Mix the mixture and add water until the required consistency is obtained.

Lime dough is prepared from one partquicklime and three parts of warm water. After mixing lime with water, a chemical reaction begins. Then it is necessary to add water and re-stir. The mixture should be covered and left for one day.

This type of plaster is used mainly for facades of concrete or stone. It should be noted that they should not be affected by precipitation.

How to prepare a mixture for plaster from clay

A mixture of clay is prepared with the addition of lime. It consists of one part of a clay dough and 0.4 parts of a lime test, as well as the water they are bred, and sand (3-6 parts). After mixing the clay mixture with calcareous sand is gradually added to obtain the necessary density of the mixture.

Such a solution is used usually for gypsum and wooden facades.

How to prepare plaster from gypsum

Gypsum in the form of an astringent is used most often for finishing wooden facades. Lime is also used for the preparation of plaster from this material.

3-4 parts of the lime solution (the method of preparation described above) and one part of the gypsum is mixed with water until the desired consistency is formed. Such a mixture can be used immediately after preparation.

Also about the types of plaster and their features, read in our article What plaster is better.

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