Monthly receipts for payment of services come,provided by different organizations. Repay the debt in due time. If you did not make a payment on time, you can be charged with late payment.

There are many places where you can pay receipts in the most convenient way. You can make payments in several ways:

  • through the branch of Sberbank;
  • through the self-service terminal;
  • through an ATM;
  • through the Internet.

Branch of Sberbank

In order to pay receipts through Sberbank, you must follow the instructions:

  1. Find the nearest branch of Sberbank.
  2. Go to the free window and give the operator the receipt and the necessary amount for payment.
  3. The operator must return the paid receipt and issue a check, as well as the change, if any.

Self-service terminal of the Savings Bank

If you are in another city or you do not have the opportunity to apply to the bank, you can pay the receipt through the self-service terminal in the Savings Bank:

  1. In the menu we select "Payment for services", and after that "Communal payments".
  2. Bring a receipt with a barcode to the countingdevice and all data are filled in automatically. You can also fill in all the fields yourself: enter the service code that is listed on the receipt and all the additional information.
  3. Specify the necessary amount and make payment. Do not forget to take a receipt about payment.

Sberbank ATM

If you prefer non-cash payments, you can use the payment of services through an ATM, but in this case you must have a Sberbank card:

  1. First, insert the card into the ATM and enter the PIN code. Clicking "Next" will take you to the main menu.
  2. It is necessary to choose "Payment of services", and then "Communal payments".
  3. Next, enter the receipt number (the payer code that is on the receipt).
  4. The program can request confirmation of the payer code, so you must enter it again.
  5. Then you need to enter the month of payment in figures and the total amount.
  6. After the payment has passed, you must log out and check.

the Internet

If you want to pay receipts without leavingat home, you can use the Internet bank. To do this, you need to issue a Sberbank card and activate the Mobile Bank service. In addition, in the course of the work, you will need the User ID and password, which can be obtained from the phone or ATM (the check from the ATM must be saved). After all registration points have been passed, you will be able to pay receipts via the Internet. To do this, follow the instructions:

  1. We go to the official page of the bank and enter the registration data: ID and password.
  2. Choose a card from the list with which we will pay (if you have more than one card).
  3. We choose "Payments and transfers", and then "All transfers and payments".
  4. Then go to the tab "Payment by requisites or receipts".
  5. We fill in the electronic receipt (all data are listed on your receipt):
    • Account number;
    • TIN of the organization;
    • BIC (also indicated on receipts);
    • write-off account. After that click "Continue".
  6. In the window that opens, fill in the detailsrecipient, and also indicate the amount of payment and click again "Continue". It should be remembered that if the bank (with which the firm that provides services to you) has no arrangements for paying receipts with Sberbank, they can take a commission for the operation.
  7. We enter our requisites:
    • FULL NAME;
    • address;
    • purpose of payment.
  8. Click "Continue".
  9. To confirm the operation, you can use the code from the sms-message or enter the code from the check, which you gave the ATM at registration. We choose the appropriate method and conduct payment.
  10. After the payment is made, you canprint a virtual check. To ensure that it does not get lost do it immediately after payment. If you do not have the opportunity to immediately print a check, save it on your computer.
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