With the approach of summer, there is a growing need formobile refrigerator. With a small fridge, you can also take on a picnic perishable and frozen foods, like ham or ice cream, and from the dacha bring frozen berries and fruits without subjecting them to excessive heating.

Refrigerators that are sold in storesusually bulky, but inside have very little space. And in the ratio of price / quality, not everyone wants to spend money on such nonsense. Especially when you can make a refrigerator yourself.

Here we will talk about how to make a refrigerator-bag without excessive costs and effort. To make the refrigerator itself is not at all difficult.

Refrigerator bag with own hands

To make a thermos bottle you will need:

  • directly bag (any one that fits you in size)
  • foamed polyethylene pasted with foil (such insulation can be purchased at the building store)
  • scotch
  • Several plastic bottles or heating pads
  • Salt

Polyethylene insulation has a very low thermal conductivity. Therefore, it can be used to make a thermo-bag from any bag. To do this, you need to collect a box from the heater and place it in the bag.

  1. Remove the measurements from your bag.
  2. Cut out a cross from the heater, from which youcollect a bag of a thermos bottle. The dimensions of the box should be about 5 cm less than the dimensions of the bag, so that the box gets into it. The middle of the cross will be the bottom of the box, and the long part - the wall of the box and the lid.
  3. Collect a cross from the cross, glue the walls of the box with scotch tape.
  4. Place the box in the bag. If the box sits in the bag loosely - fill in the voids between the walls of the box and the bag with foam rubber or some rags.

The thermos bottle is ready and is already capable of storing the cold for several hours inside. To prolong the storage time of products in a thermo-bag, it is necessary to make cold storage elements. They are made simply:

  1. Prepare a strong salt solution from the calculation of 6 tablespoons of salt per liter of water.
  2. Pour the solution into plastic bottles or hot water bottles.
  3. Freeze in the freezer.

Such elements need to be laid out insidethermoset under the lid. It is better if it is a hot water bottle, which closes the food on top completely. If you make items from bottles, then expect that you will need to place them about every 20 cm under the lid.

Now you know how to make a refrigerator yourself.

If you want your bag not onlykept the cold inside, but also had a cooling effect - you have to add Peltier elements (a semiconductor device that changes the temperature when an electric current passes through it) and a powerful battery, but this cost will be comparable with the purchase of a refrigerator bag in the store, but can exceed it.

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