For each person, one of the most importantmoments in life is the construction of your home. Starting to build your house, we not only create a nest, but we take roots for many years. Building a house, naturally we strive to build it in such a way that it would serve as a wonderful shelter from bad weather and evil eyes not only to us, but also to our children and grandson, and even great-grandchildren. So, what are the goals we pursue in the design and construction of the house: comfort, harmony, ergonomics and economy of construction. Comfort and harmony are a relative matter, this is for every person bearing its semantic load, but ergonomics and economy, fairly general concepts, and today we will consider this very issue. Which insulation is better for the house. We will consider the points. First, let's look at the external insulation of the walls.

Insulation for walls and floor

Well, first of all, for walls the best insulationthe material itself, from which the building is built. Choosing the type of construction, we determine in advance what material will be used for construction. But if the house is already ready and you want to insulate the walls, there are several options for insulation from the outside of the wall, which reliably maintain the temperature in the house and significantly reduce energy consumption for maintaining a comfortable temperature in the house, both in summer and in winter. So, what is better to use a heater:

Expanded polystyrene

By and large, styrofoam, this is the samefoam, only with a higher resistance. Recent years in the construction and insulation of multi-storey houses, this material has become very popular. And again, wondering which heater is better, it is necessary to understand that for each material there is a "better" one. Foam polystyrene is easy to use, and very reliable for both external and internal insulation of walls. Beforehand, before laying the insulation, the plates of expanded polystyrene are prepared, in each plate special holes are made, the so-called Thorn-Slots so that the plates do not form rasping ice accumulations during the winter season. But even here there are disadvantages, polystyrene is very fond of mice, it is subject to climatic influence and the action of solvents.

Mineral wool

Deciding which insulation is best for walls, it is worthpay attention to such a structure material as mineral wool. It is a new and absolutely eco-friendly material for interior wall insulation. Minvata is a moisture-permeable, heat-resistant material that is used on special hinges to insulate the house from the inside. The only drawback of this material is a rather high price.

Determining which insulation is better for walls, it is necessary to orient in the price policy, quality and possibilities of this insulation.

If you are looking for a heater better for the floor, then you can use both traditional and cheap materials, as well as innovative and expensive technologies.

Expanded clay

If the space under the floor is covered with expanded clay, then you will get not only good thermal insulation of the floor, but also protect yourself from rodents. Sufficiently easy to use material and also cheap.

Also for the insulation of the floor, you can use the materials listed above: foam polystyrene, glass wool or mineral wool.

There is still a great option for floor insulation, lesseconomical but very comfortable and pleasant: underfloor heating. Under the tile is laid awning grid, which makes it possible to include additional heating in the winter.

Which insulation is better for the attic

Warming the attic, it is recommended to usemineral wool or other natural material. If you want to make a residential attic, the first thing to take care of - the insulation of the roof. When making the roof insulation, it is necessary to take into account both the temperature level in the summer period and the material from which the roof is made. All that you need is a good consultant who can intelligently explain what and how to do.

And yet choosing which is the best insulation, do not forget about the ratio of price and quality of the material used.

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