The ceiling is the most visible part of the interior, whichimmediately catches your eye. The modern market offers many materials and technologies, with which it is easy to make the ceiling beautiful, elegant and practical. You can simply paint the ceiling with water-based paint, you can make a hanging, for example, cassette or gipsokartonny, or you can stretch it. But before installing a new ceiling, carefully prepare the surface. To do this, you need to know how to remove the ceiling, cleaning it from the traces of the old coating.

Removing the old whitewash

The removal of whitewash is considered quite dirty,an unpleasant and difficult process. To do this, you need to prepare a large number of handy materials: rags, rags, large wool, gauze bandage or a respirator, goggles, any headgear, old newspapers and detergents. Whitewashing with lime or chalk used to be in every house, so the question of how to remove whitewash from the ceiling is very relevant and timely.

Cretaceous whitewash

  • Dry. The method using a wide scraper, which carefully remove whitewash to the base. The disadvantage of this method is the formation of a large amount of dust.
  • Wet. First, moisten the surface of the ceiling with water, using an atomizer, brush or paint roller, and after a while, scraping or scraping scraping traces of the old whitewash. In this case, it is advisable to work parts, constantly moistening the dried surfaces. For whitewashing on an adhesive basis, it is necessary to dilute acetic acid in water. Remains of the coating are washed off with a sponge with clean water, to achieve a better effect, you can use a soapy saline solution
  • Old. First, the whole surface is greased with a paste, then, after drying, it is ripped off with balls along with chalk whitewash.

Calcareous whitewash

Lime whitewash, unlike the Cretaceous, is notforms dust in large quantities. A scraper or spatula is required for the work. Preliminarily, as in the case of chalky whitewash, the ceiling is richly moistened with hot water, a foam sponge can be used. As a result, the old soaked lime is easily removed in the form of chips, which can easily be collected in a container.

How to remove paint from the ceiling

Work with paint requires a lot of effort,because water-dispersion paints are hardly soluble in water. Needed two times with a break of 15 minutes. Damp the surface of the ceiling with water spray or a moistened roller to achieve a better absorption effect. The draft created in the room will speed up the process of swelling of the paint layer, which is removed with a spatula. This work needs to be done quickly, without delay.

To facilitate the process, one can resort touse of special mixtures: chalk, asbestos, caustic soda poured hot water, then applied to the painted surface and removed. Some masters recommend the iodine solution instead of the above. Oil paint can be removed prepared with quicklime (1.3 kg), soda ash (0.45 kg) and water with a solution of consistency of thick sour cream, leave the applied solution for 10-12 hours, after which it is easier to remove from the surface.

Sheathing of the ceiling

As a covering, for arrangement of a ceilingoften use expanded polystyrene, gypsum board and decorative plates. Specialists who know how to remove the ceiling lining, it is recommended first to dismantle the plinth of the ceiling, and then the built-in lamps. In the case of the most commonly used gypsum plasterboard ceilings, it is necessary to remove the reinforcing mesh used to join the plasterboard sheets and plastered, then the screws are removed, the crate and the metal guides placed along and across the ceiling are removed. Remove gipsokartonnye slabs better together. The final stage of dismantling the entire structure is removal of the lateral guides. To carry out this work you will need a screwdriver, a hammer, pliers.

Stretched ceiling

When deciding how to remove the stretch ceiling,you need to take into account the material from which it is made: a PVC film or cloth. When dismantling the PVC ceiling, the canvas is heated by a heat gun from the corner of the room. The tip of the harpoon clings to the pliers and slowly stretches to avoid rupture of the cloth. Thus, step by step, the entire canvas is removed along the perimeter of the ceiling. If the ceiling is fixed to the wall with the help of an aluminum profile with plastic beads, inserted into a special groove on the profile, the potholes are removed, and then the whole structure is gradually dismantled.

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