If you are engaged in repair, then soonthink about how to make a ceiling in the bathroom. In order not to be mistaken, choosing materials for the ceiling finish, one must not forget that the humidity in the bathroom is much higher than in other rooms. Hence, the main characteristic of the finishing material should be increased moisture resistance. Only in this case, your ceiling will not be deformed or corroded, and you can forget about repair for a long time. What kind of ceiling finishing can be used in the bathroom?

Ceiling of expanded polystyrene tiles

This type of ceiling finish in recent yearsis very popular among the population. Its main advantages are low price and ease of installation. In addition, with the help of tiles, you can quickly and easily work out the ceiling of any configuration - just cut out the desired shape with a knife and glue the tile in the right place.

To the disadvantages of such a ceiling can be attributed itfragility - it will look decent for the first three years, and after that it will turn yellow and lose its color. Tiles made of extruded polystyrene foam will last longer - it will last for 7 years.

Ceiling from plastic panels

Quite often in places with high humidityplastic panels are used, since they do not suffer from water at all. It's easy to take care of such a ceiling - just simply wash it with a non-corrosive detergent, and it will again sparkle like a new one.

Plastic panels are fastened to metal orA wooden frame, thanks to which you can easily hide communications. In addition to all the listed advantages, the plastic ceiling has one significant drawback - it "steals" the height of the room. In houses with high ceilings this may be insignificant, but if the ceilings are low, this can be a problem.

Rack Ceiling

If you only decide which ceiling to make inbathroom, pay attention to the suspended rack and pinion systems. Recently, this type of ceiling is gaining increasing popularity - and this is quite deserved.

Reiki made of aluminum and covered with a specialcomposition protecting them from corrosion. Thanks to this, the ceiling is very light and resistant to high humidity. Installation of such a ceiling is quite simple, which allows you to do on your own. Making such a ceiling, you have to sacrifice a few centimeters of the height of the room, but it will be possible to hide the wiring and install ceiling lights.

Stretched ceiling

Considering the various options, and thinking about how,how to make a ceiling in the bathroom, do not forget about the possibility to install a stretch ceiling. This will require slightly higher costs than other proposed options, but it will completely save you from having to do anything yourself. It will be enough to make an order, and qualified specialists will take care of all the trouble. You will only have to admire the perfectly flat ceiling.

Even if your neighbors from above are disorderly people,periodically forgetting to close the tap in the bathroom, with a stretch ceiling, flooding does not threaten you. It will hold all the water, and you will be able to drain it by unscrewing one of the built-in lights. As an option - call installers, and they quickly remove water, and do it completely free.


Drywall is rarely used for bathroomsrooms, because they are afraid that in the process of operation such a ceiling is deformed due to the constant high humidity. It turns out that they are absolutely in vain afraid, since there is a special moisture resistant gypsum board designed especially for such premises.

A ceiling from gypsum cardboard is simple to mountyourself, and in the end you get a flat surface, ready for further refinement. It will only be necessary to seal the seams and treat the surface with putty, and when it dries, you can proceed to staining. Only always use a moisture-resistant paint.

As you can see, there are a lot of options, and you can easily decide which ceiling to make in the bathroom, choosing the type of finish that will best fit the interior.

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