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How to insulate the ceiling?

Beginning to equip the house, the first thing is necessaryto warm the ceiling. Because this is the main point that keeps the heat. If everything is done correctly, then you do not have to overpay for heating. This article will tell you how to insulate the ceiling, what materials will be needed for this.

Warming of the ceiling in the house

Let's list what is needed for this:

  • Insulation - mineral wool
  • Polyfoam, thickness 50 mm
  • Pergamum for waterproofing
  • Edged board, 30 mm for 150 mm
  • Nails
  • Reiki, 10-20 mm
  • Foam Mounting
  • Tools: knife, hammer, wood hacksaw or electric jigsaw

Before you get started, you need tomake a calculation of the material, the result of which will be the thickness of the insulation cover. It should be taken into account that the heat transfer coefficient should be no less than 0.24 W / m2K, which is achieved by thickness from 15 to 40 cm (depending on whether the new or old building and the class of thermal conductivity of the material).

Fire safety requirements should not be neglected:

  • A heater must stop the spread of the flame of a fire within 25 minutes in a private house and 90 minutes in an apartment.
  • It is necessary to seal the floors that separate the main room and the attic before installing the insulation.
  • Before the insulation in a house with wooden beams, it is necessary to install a vapor barrier, in order to avoid the accumulation of moisture. You can close the gypsum board overlapping or conduct plastering.

Choice of thermal insulation technology

Next, you need to select the appropriate technologyinsulation, each of which has its pros and cons. If there is a difficulty in understanding this or that method of warming, you can resort to Internet help and find how to insulate the ceiling, a video with a detailed description of all the actions.

Warming of the floor with foam

It is suitable for the insulation of interfloor floors. In this case, a gradual laying of all components (parchment, polystyrene, slats, mineral wool) takes place. The method gives the freedom to choose the thickness of the layer of thermal insulation and the choice of materials (roll thermal insulation or bulk).

Insulation of the room from the inside

At the same time it is necessary to carry out scrupulously all the works andcarefully approach the selection of materials. This method is ideally suited in the situation of using an attic as a warehouse, rather than a dwelling, and if in addition there are air ducts and various types of communications. While insulating the ceiling from the inside, you need to consider that here the height of the room is reduced.

Insulation with foam insulation

This requires professional skills andspecial equipment. The method consists in distributing a special powder-like insulation (perlite) over the ceilings, having preliminarily carried out all the preparatory work for isolating living quarters in order to avoid getting material in there.

Insulation of the ceiling in the apartment

This is true for apartments located on thethe last floors of apartment buildings. With insufficient warming, warm air from the living room goes up through the slabs. If you are wondering how to insulate the ceiling in the apartment yourself, then to date, there are many methods and materials from which you can choose the right one.

  • The fastest and simplest method isgluing foam plates on the ceiling. They are ready to use, they have a picture decorating the surface, they need only be fixed with special glue on the ceiling.
  • Another way is more expensive, but morereliable in the end result. It consists in the insulation of the ceiling with thin roll materials, for example, expanded polystyrene. It has a thickness of up to 5 mm, is fixed to the ceiling with glue and fixed with dowels. The mesh is placed overhead and covered with reinforcement putty. In the end, shpaklyuetsya, polished, primed and covered with paint.
  • Consider what better to insulate the ceiling of the house. For this you can use gypsum board or lining. On the profile framework, heat insulation (mineral wool, foam, insulation membrane with a foil side) is mounted with a special compound and dowels. On top lay the finishing material, gypsum board or lining.
  • If the finish is not drywall,then it can be suggested to do the following: glue the base for thermal insulation to the ceiling with reinforcing filler, apply a fiberglass mesh over it, overlapping the edges by 5 cm. It is tightly covered with a layer of putty and is spread with a spatula. As the drying is applied, another layer is applied, and then as many layers as necessary for alignment. The finished surface must be sanded, primed and covered with paint. Thus it is necessary not to forget about electroconducting.

Now you know all about which waysyou can insulate the ceiling in a private house or apartment. Knowledge of all available technologies will help you choose the most suitable for your case. In such a case, there is no superfluous knowledge, since everything must be done correctly and safely. We wish you good luck!

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