Having finished building a bathhouse, you need to askthe question of how to properly insulate the bath so that it warms up faster, economically consumes wood or electricity, and also keeps heat for a long time. That is, its insulation must be effective. A special temperature regime requires the construction to be more resistant to a hot and humid microclimate. Walls, ceiling, and windows should be wisely and reliably insulated, otherwise they will not be able to save heat and protect the bath from decay.

Choosing the material for insulation

To date, the insulating gasket is mainly used for insulating the bath. It protects the room from penetration into the cold air.

For insulation use both inorganic materials, and materials that are based on organic raw materials.

Inorganic materials are considered to be more durable, they do not rot and have a high fire resistance rating. These include glass wool, mineral wool, as well as products made of perlite.

Organic materials include peat,Wood-fiber, cane and wood-chip boards. They are made from reeds, peat and wood waste. Use these insulation materials is best for cladding the dressing room and dressing room, since these materials are less fire resistant.

Thermal insulation materials from plasticsare also popular. They have increased thermal insulation properties, low bulk density and high moisture resistance. These include honeycombs, foams and porous plastics.

What the baths insulate, depends onThe construction, namely the material from which the walls are built. Also, the choice of heat insulators depends on the room that requires insulation, as each separate room has its own purpose - a steam room, a dressing room, a rest room.

We warm ceiling and floor

How to insulate the floor in a bath already built readydesign? To begin with, it is necessary to lay a layer of expanded clay or slag exceeding the thickness of the walls of the bath, then the rough bars are nailed, and the insulation is laid with mineral mats.

How to insulate the ceiling in a bath, based onlaws of physics and water, because a steam bath is always a large accumulation of condensate. Insulation for the ceiling should always be thicker than for walls, and is traditionally produced in four layers:

  • cladding
  • vapor barrier
  • thermal insulation
  • plank plastic

Warming windows

With an incorrect approach through the window comes outgreat honor of warmth. Therefore, care must be taken to ensure that all cracks along the contour of the window are hermetically sealed. It is necessary to carry out sealing with non-combustible materials.

For windows of a brick bath it is recommended to order double-glazed windows of special purpose with triple glass. The presence of the window is mandatory.

Warming walls

Log walls

How to insulate the walls of a bath to avoid a fire and reduce the impact of steam condensate?

Warming baths with log walls, it is recommended to use reed plates that are lightweight, treated with fire retardant and inexpensive.

In order to prevent decay, the plates are impregnated with a 3% solution of ferrous sulfate. Reed plates should be laid in a 15 centimeter layer between the outer and inner lining.

Frame walls

An obligatory condition in the insulation of frame walls is a vapor barrier with roofing paper, polyethylene film or pergamon. This is pressed against the planks.

Reed and fibrolite plates because of their highindicators in thermal insulation are recommended to use in areas where the outside temperature does not drop below -17 degrees. The wall, insulated with reed, is considered similar in its thermophysical properties with a 50-centimeter wall of brick.

What insulate baths, to ensure the greatestthermal insulation of walls? Of the many different options the most popular are mats made of fiberglass. They are very convenient to use and significantly save time allocated for installation.

On one side, the mat is covered with foil, which servesA good vapor barrier and perfectly reflects the heat. For fiberglass insulation, it is necessary to install a frame on which the material itself will be fixed. The frame is made of bars measuring 50 to 50, which are nailed from the inside of the wall. It is necessary to nail vertically, and seal joints with a dense tape.

Performing insulation is important to monitor the densityAdjacent insulation to the walls. It is especially necessary to check the corners, since there remains the majority of unfinished slots. For greater reliability of thermal insulation it is recommended to lay two layers of insulation and only on top to fill the lining.

A big mistake that many people make wheninsulation with fiberglass, this is a foil covering of thermal insulation material on both sides. Required inner layer of insulation is used without foil. This is done to ensure that the material passes air and does not accumulate wet steam.

Panel Walls

Panel walls should be insulated with thick chipboard, andnamely asbestos-cement or particle board. For a dressing room apply fibreboard, waterproof plywood or plastic, and the steam room is covered with planed boards.

If your bath has a separate washing room, then for its insulation, GRP sheets are recommended, the joints between which are filled with a sealant.

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