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How to glue wallpaper?

Have you started a repair? Then you need to glue the wallpaper. But what if you do not know how to do it? We have the answer to this question. We will do the right wallpapering! So:

How to properly glue wallpaper?

Here are three main steps that will help you correctly and accurately paste wallpaper in your apartment:

  • Preparing the surface, that is, the wall, whereplanned to glue wallpaper. The surface must be dry, free from grease and clean. If there are fragments of old wallpaper or fallen paint on the wall, then they must be removed. Seal with putty crack and hole. Treat the primer with a deep penetration of the surface with increased hygroscopicity and crumbling surfaces.
  • Preparation and preparation of the paste. Pour the universal paste into cold water while stirring vigorously. Continue to stir for a while after pouring. Wait 30 minutes and stir again. Now the paste is ready for use.
  • Evenly spread the paste on the wallpaper, fold them and let them soften a little. After a certain time, paste the wallpaper in the joint and walk with the roller.

How to glue flesilinovye wallpaper?

Flizelin is a special material that consists ofof fibers and cellulose. Non-woven wallpaper is often glued under the paint, since their outer layer is unstable to mechanical influences. Not difficult to glue non-woven wallpaper. In any case, it's easier than usual. You need to apply glue to the wall and just attach the wallpaper to it. If you want to do the opposite, that is, apply glue on the wallpaper, then you need to dry the wall in advance. After that, you can fix the wallpaper. At the joints, the adhesive is cleaned with a cloth. This must be done immediately. If the glue is not removed, then the paint will not fall on these places. The advantage of non-woven wallpaper is that they, due to their density, are able to visually level the unevenness of the wall. Also these wallpapers do not shrink. We can observe the pasting of non-woven wallpaper in new buildings. This is a very popular material these days, which is used to cover the walls. And another advantage of non-woven wallpaper is that they are very easy to remove if you make another repair.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper?

Vinyl wallpaper from the window. It is necessary to draw a vertical line that will allow you to navigate when pasting the first wallpaper of wallpaper. Pasted wallpaper must be spread with a brush from the very top to the very bottom. Move the brush from the center to the edges. Due to this method of smoothing, air bubbles that are formed at the time of gluing are removed. Surplus wallpaper can be removed using a sharpened knife. Do it better by using a ruler. Stick the second strip of wallpaper in the joint to the first. Do not forget to remove the glue with the help of a damp cloth or sponge. You will avoid unwanted divorces on the wallpaper. Try to isolate the room, where the wallpaper is glued from drafts. Room temperature should not reach high levels.

Can I wallpaper on my wallpaper?

This question often arises in families whofaced with the repair of their homes. It is very natural. Do not want to tear off the old wallpaper, which is already firmly pinned to the walls. The answer to this question is ruthless for lazy people and is natural for hardworking people. For good and high-quality pasting of any type of wallpaper, you must completely remove old wallpaper or coverings. There are special tools that allow you to clean the wallpaper without much difficulty. A special solvent for removing wallpaper should be added to the water. After the chemical reaction, wet the old wallpaper with a solvent. The solvent will penetrate into the structure of the old wallpaper. This will remove them without much difficulty after a while. If necessary, this procedure must be repeated several times, until the old wallpaper is completely deleted. Sometimes use special rollers to remove old wall coverings.

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