Whitewashing is a good finishing material,which, however, gradually fades into the past. Previously, practically, in each house one could see the whitewashed ceiling or walls, but today it is rather difficult to find such houses. If you are the owner of one of these rarities and want to make repairs, then you should first read our article and find out how to wash the whitewash. What for? For one simple reason - in the whitewash comes chalk, so you will not get to either paste the wallpaper or any other finishing materials on top of it, or paint the surface. Therefore, before you trim the walls or ceiling with new materials, whitewash needs to be removed.

We wash whitewash

So, in order to wash off the whitewash from the ceiling or from the walls, you will need to prepare:

  1. Step ladder, table or, at most, a stool for access to the ceiling and / or upper sections of the walls.
  2. Water and a rag or spray to wet the whitewash.
  3. Thin spatula or brush (if you use a brush, the process of removing the whitewash is somewhat delayed).
  4. Capacity to collect the fallen whitewash.
  5. Duster of coarse cloth or sponge.

In addition to working tools, you will also needThink about what you will do repairs. As working clothes, old things are best suited, which it will not be a pity to soil and even discard after repair. Also, you will need a head piece, so that anything that will be poured from the walls and ceiling, did not get straight to your head. To facilitate the upcoming washing of the floor, it is best to immediately cover it with oilcloth or newspapers.

How to wash whitewash from the ceiling

To remove whitewash from the ceiling, you need a goodmoisten it several times, so that the whitewash should be soaked and better than the surface. Next comes the turn of the spatula: with its help we clean the soaked whitewash. After that, wipe the cleaned surface with a wet rag and, if necessary, use a spatula again.

When cleaning the ceiling from whitewashing expertsrecommend not to wet the entire ceiling, and individual plots, so that you can immediately shoot whitewashing. The main thing when washing whitewash from the ceiling is to make sure that dirt does not get into the eyes and the head.

How to wash the whitewash off the walls

To remove whitewash from the walls is also recommendeddo not immediately wet the entire surface: it will be much easier and more convenient to work with individual sections. The process itself is no different from cleaning the whitewashed ceiling.

After the above-described "treatment" of walls and ceilingyou can proceed to the next stage, which is the final one - we draw water into some container and wash off the whitewash remnants from the surfaces. It needs to be done very carefully, since the quality of the work will depend on the quality and firmness of the new finishing materials. If some part of the whitewash remains on the walls or ceiling, the new coating may soon fall off.

How to wash whitewash off the floor

If you have pre-floored something, then,it is understandable that after completing all the work you will just need to wipe the floors and they will be clean. However, if you think that you do not need to cover the floor, then you will need to find out how quickly to wash the whitewash off the floor (believe me, it will be there and in considerable quantities). To facilitate and make more effective the process of washing off whitewash from the floor, you can use the following tips:

  • as often as possible change the water and rags;
  • Use vinegar as an additive to water (only in this case the room must be supplied with fresh air, which will protect you from the effects of vinegar fumes).

So you have to work to remove walls, ceiling and, if necessary, from the floor. We hope knowledge obtained from my article will help you in this difficult occupation.

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