The skin is probably the oldestmaterial from which a person began to make clothes and other products. Over the millennia, the tanners have worked out many ways how to turn animal skins into beautiful materials of the most varied quality and structure. And in our days, genuine leather products are often found in the everyday life of almost any person. Therefore, the question of how to properly clean the skin, and in the course of everyday use, and when an unexpected pollution occurs, gets up quite often. At the same time, the decision to use dry cleaning services is not always correct. There are also more sparing ways to get rid of pollution and keep the external appeal of any product.

Conditions to consider when cleaning

  • Choosing a variant of how to clean products from the skin, you will have to take into account conflicting requirements: when removing dirt it is required to preserve the color of the product and the content of fat in the skin.
  • Skin is sensitive to fluctuations in temperature, water and mechanical effects. Therefore, it can be cleaned at 30 ° C and dried at 50 ° C.
  • You can not clean the natural skin with funds on organic solvents - there is a great risk of washing away the dye.
  • Clothing with heavy soiling,for example, as stains from engine oil, will have to be cleaned in dry cleaning. However, the perchlorethylene used there changes the softness and color of the products, and also removes from the skin the fats introduced during processing. But the procedure for introducing fats back in domestic dry cleaners is usually missed. Therefore, when deciding how to clean a leather jacket, you might want to take a chance, and try the "folk" means.

Daily care

  • In the process of operation, any leather productsare polluted. Therefore, it is necessary to systematically clean the natural skin with a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth. Soft, porous skin should be regularly wiped with a soft dry sponge. This method will not only clean the contamination, but also return the product to a living appearance. Velor and suede products can be easily cleaned with a brush with a short nap or a rubber band for suede.
  • On the surface of the cleared skin for the purpose of protecting it, you can apply a special cream to protect it or a normal nourishing cream. This method is good to use after cleaning the leather bag.
  • To clean the skin it was easier, it is necessary to treat the product with a special impregnation, which will protect the surface from moisture and make it easier to clean possible contaminants.

Methods of cleaning contaminants

  • The first thing to try if necessaryclean the contamination on the skin, is a whipped soap foam that is practically free of alkali. It is applied to the stain with a sponge and then wiped off with a dry sponge.
  • Spots of protein origin (blood, canine saliva) can be washed off with cold water, especially if they do not have time to dry.
  • Universal means for cleaningnatural skin, are pure alcohol or gasoline "Galosha". Before cleaning the stain, it is worth trying on an inconspicuous area and after drying, check if the color and stiffness of the skin has changed.
  • A greasy or oily stain can be densely covered with chalk powder and left for about a day. After that the chalk is cleaned with a brush.
  • Stains from the ballpoint pen and ink are removed whenaid of a mixture of alcohol and acetic acid or alcohol with magnesia. Also, this can be done with a sticky tape, if it is tightly glued and then pulled.
  • When deciding how to clean white skin, it is worth turning toexperience of their grandmothers. They used a mixture of cow's milk and whipped egg whites for this purpose. If the unpleasant odor is not an obstacle, it is worth trying to clean the stain with the help of a halved onion.
  • If in everyday life there are things made of artificialskin, it is worth taking preventive measures to protect them from possible contaminants by lubricating the surface of the products with a special mud and water repellent composition. If contamination can not be avoided, the artificial skin can be cleaned with a solution of ammonia or an ordinary detergent. To do this, the sponge or soft cloth is wetted in the solution, and with their help the contaminated area is cleaned. After this, it is necessary to wipe the surface of the skin dry, so as not to cause its destruction.
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