Suede - very demanding to care material. Suede things at the sock quickly lose their original appearance. What to clean the suede with the formation of abrasions or stains on it, how to give the product a pleasant appearance?

To do this, there are many tools, including assistants.

Means for cleaning suede

  1. Eraser, both special for suede, and ordinary school, can hide shiny places. To do this, they need to gently wipe the problem areas.
  2. Straighten the pile, giving the product the effect of novelty, will help the steam. Suffer it is necessary to hold over a spout of a teapot with boiling water.
  3. Kashitsa from starch with ammonia can cope with the formed abrasion on suede. It should be slightly rubbed, and then swept off with a brush.
  4. A solution of hydrogen peroxide is an excellentmeans for cleaning white suede. For its preparation, take 1 teaspoon peroxide and 1 glass of water. After cleaning with a solution, the treatment site must be cleaned with clean water.
  5. The brush, moistened in the coffee grounds, will restore the color of the brown suede.
  6. Gasoline can easily cope with fat spots on suede. Cleaning is carried out with a cotton swab dipped in gasoline.

Details on how to clean suede can be found in our article How to clean suede.

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