Building a country house is a businessresponsible, because you determine where you will live with your family, and your descendants for several decades. And this means that you first need to choose the right material from what material to build a house. We offer you a choice of several of the most popular options at the moment for building a country house, depending on the material and technology of construction. We will touch not only the merits of each of these designs, but also their shortcomings, so that you can think and take the time to decide what it is better to build a house.

Log house

The main advantage of a house built fromlogs, is, first of all, in the form of the logs themselves. The fact is that due to its rounded shape, the logs can very tightly connect to each other, thus creating an excellent thermal insulation in the house. That is why in a well-built log house it is warm even in winter. There are also special modern standards, according to which the difference in the diameter of rounded logs should not be an average of more than 3 mm (to be more exact, 2-4 mm). This means that today you are guaranteed to be able to buy standard logs of different types of wood. In addition, high quality of processing logs and their identical diameter allow to avoid interior finishing of the log house. It should also be noted that in the process of aging the log is practically not deformed.

Advantages and disadvantages of the tree

And, of course, the tree is excellent,ecological, energy-saving and heat-insulating material, equal to which, in its properties, the modern chemical industry has not yet come up. It is very convenient to cut locks into a tree, it is easily sawed and lends itself to various tools, being, at the same time, very durable material. Due to the yieldability of the tree for processing, it is possible to connect logs practically at any desired angle. As for the shortcomings of the house from logs, first of all, we note the impossibility of warming such houses, because the outer surface of the house is also facial. In addition, the tree is very susceptible to burning, although modern impregnations significantly reduce the level of fire hazard of wood.

Wooden house made of lumber

By its properties of the house of the timber, in many ways,they look like logs, which is quite natural - there is only one material. To the main advantages of houses from the timber can be attributed, first, the environmental friendliness of the material, as well as the excellent thermal insulation of wood. In addition, due to the fact that the tree breathes, a special climate is set in the room, which has a beneficial effect on health. Of course, that the house of the timber has all the listed advantages, you need to carefully observe construction technology. From the advantages of a log house, we note the stunning appearance of the house from the timber. Many people are interested in the question of what kind of timber to build a house. In this case, we mean not a tree species, but a manufacturing technique.

Today the manufacturers of beams offer a differentcant, but for the construction of a house only a bar of natural moisture is suitable. The fact is that after laying such a bar into the frame, an equilibrium moisture is formed and the bars reduce in volume evenly. The house becomes stronger and, most importantly, acquires remarkable thermal insulation properties.

Different types of timber

If you choose between glued, sawn and planed timber, it depends on your choice. Nevertheless, we give the main characteristics of all types of timber.

  • Glued beam, as the name implies, consists offrom glued together wooden blanks, it is not subject to deformation, cracks, perfectly retains its shape, does not shrink. In addition, houses made of laminated veneer lumber are the fastest at erection.
  • Houses made of planed timber perfectly keep the heat andAlso do not shrink, because the technology of horizontal internal cutting of the timber is used. True, I must say, at home from the planed timber and are about a quarter more expensive.
  • The sawn timber is practically not exposedprocessing, which is good under certain conditions, but the houses from it are subject to significant shrinkage in the first six months or a year after the start of operation. In addition, there is a possibility of cracks.

As for the question of which tree to buildhouse, we note that in its own way good as deciduous (oak, aspen), and coniferous (spruce, pine, cedar, fir) tree species. Oak is quite expensive, but it is durable, but pine and other coniferous species can very well influence the health of the inhabitants of the house, as coniferous wood releases healthy substances. Each tree has its own merits, so why build a house, decide for yourself.

Brick house

The main advantages of a high-qualitybrick house - durability and excellent thermal insulation. A house made of bricks can safely stand for more than a hundred years, with no visible signs of aging. Thus, choosing a brick for construction, you are building a family estate. In addition, a brick house, unlike a wooden one, can be easily insulated with the most modern materials, because brick walls easily allow it to be done. Modern insulation technology allows, with their application, a brick wall half a meter thick in terms of thermal insulation level to exceed the wall thickness of two (!) Meters. It is possible to conduct insulation from inside as well as from outside. However, we have listed not all the advantages of brick houses. Houses made of bricks, among other things, are practically unaffected by atmospheric influences, have 100% resistance to various fungi and bacteria, that is, they do not completely deteriorate, are very durable and have exceptional fire resistance. Of the disadvantages of brick structures, one can note only their much higher cost compared, for example, with wooden houses.

From which brick to build a house

For the construction of a brick house you can use ceramic, silicate, building and facing brick.

  • Ceramic brick has a very highresistance to climatic influences - humidity, precipitation, etc. It is also rightly called a universal building material, as ceramic bricks can be used practically at any stage of construction of a country house. The only thing to remember when buying a batch of ceramic bricks: you need to take a sufficient amount immediately, because if the batch ends, then finding a brick of the same shade will be quite difficult.
  • Silicate brick for construction is also good,However, it has one very significant disadvantage: it is not as water resistant as ceramic. But there is a plus: in terms of the degree of sound insulation with silicate brick, no other can compare.
  • Building bricks are ideal for conducting work inside the building: they can lay internal rows of brickwork.
  • Facing bricks can be called an ideal material for ennobling the facade, which, in addition, has excellent thermal insulation properties.

Foam concrete house

Foam concrete is a modern material producedin the form of foam blocks. Foam concrete has such properties as strength, environmental friendliness and rather low cost. As strong as wood, foam concrete is absolutely non-combustible, in terms of heat and sound insulation, foam concrete not only does not concede, but surpasses such materials as stone and brick. In addition, houses made of foam concrete are built much faster than brick.

The foam blocks are a universal buildingmaterial that is suitable for the construction of dachas, country houses and cottages, and for the erection of walls and partitions, and even for the construction of various industrial buildings. The only type of construction that can not be built from foam concrete is multi-storey houses (more than three floors), but we are talking about a country house, and therefore this material is ideal for us. Economical, durable, reliable, durable foam concrete will make your home comfortable and comfortable for living.

Frame house

The main advantage of a frame house is itslow cost in comparison with other designs. Modern frame houses have little inferior to logs or houses of timber according to the degree of thermal insulation and resistance to external climatic influences. In addition, the frame house is almost as comfortable for living. And, of course, we can not fail to note the significant savings when building a frame house. The fact is that this design is much easier than, for example, brick, concrete and even wooden, and therefore, the foundation for it will not be so powerful and therefore less expensive. And two more advantages of the frame house. Firstly, due to the ease of construction, such a house can be put almost everywhere, even on a site with a not very strong ground. And secondly, the frame house can easily be given almost any kind that the owner wishes. However, frame houses have serious drawbacks. And the main thing - their fragility. In addition, frame houses are inferior to wooden for such properties as environmental friendliness, are as fire hazardous as wood and do not have sufficient sound insulation. Well, here we are and told you about the main types of country houses, and from which to build a country house - it's up to you.

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