In the construction of various materials. Recently, foam blocks have become the most popular. Let's consider further, what is a foam block, from what do foam blocks and what are their features.

Penoblok is one of the types of material,used in construction. The main material in its production is foam concrete, which is an artificial porous stone and is a mixture of cement mortar, sand, water and foaming agents. Sometimes other components like clay or ash are added to the solution.

Properties of foam blocks

The quality of the foam block is largely dependent onadded to foam concrete foam, which can be synthetic and organic. More expensive, but also giving more good quality foam blocks is an organic foamer. It affects the strength of structures created from foam blocks.

The foam blocks are prepared by mechanical mixingcomponents of the solution, and then cutting into separate blocks. Due to their thermal and sound insulation properties, as well as temperature stability, foam blocks have been recognized and widely distributed in the construction market.

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