From time to time, in apartments and houses, you needdo some cosmetic repairs. To hire specialists became expensive, yes, and, they are doing the work, not always, qualitatively. For this reason, many people make repairs themselves. Very often, it is necessary to level the walls, doorways or slopes. It is not every plasterer, it is most convenient for these purposes to use plasterboard - a sheet material consisting of two cardboard layers and a gypsum layer.

We cut drywall

Well, if the sheet can be mounted on the wallentirely. And, if it does not work out? There is a question, how to cut drywall? The simplest, and, the most common method of cutting gypsum board - with the help of an acute mounting knife. It is more convenient to work with a sheet together. The standard sheet for household repair has a length of 2300 mm, and a width of 1200 mm. To cut a long strip, you need to mark the sheet with a simple pencil, in no case, you can not mark with a felt-tip pen or marker, since even after putty they will be noticeable. Then, using a long rule, we connect the tags to each other, and, with a knife, we draw the line several times. If there is no rule, you can use a narrow tesin, a rail or a thin bar, and a lace - a coloring pothook thread. Then, the sheet needs to be lifted gently, and, with the help of a gentle pressure, into the place of the cut, fold the sheet into the opposite, from the cut, side. Carefully cut the cardboard from the back side with a knife. Unevenness of the edge, it is desirable to clean the plane for drywall.

Than to cut a drywall?

Sometimes, you need to cut gypsum board not only bylength and width, but also the letter "G" or, what is even more difficult to make an oval, circular or curved hole. When cutting a sheet with the letter "G", the short side is sawed with a hacksaw with fine teeth, and then, with a knife, a long part is cut.

For sawing different holes, it is most convenient to use an electric jigsaw with a fine saw blade. Knife to cut openings in gypsum cardboard will be quite difficult, and they will turn out sloppy.

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