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How to learn to read the circuit?

Electrical circuit - the first stage in the productionthe final device performing certain functions. In order to correctly transfer the entire structure to the circuit board, you must learn to read the electrical diagrams.

First of all, you need to understand the structure.

The components of any scheme

  1. The most important part is the elements of the scheme. This is a resistor, a transistor, a capacitor, an operational amplifier, an inductor, a key, a diode, generators, power supplies, relays, meters, transformers, connectors, etc. Each of all elements has an alphabetic designation and its nominal value. Be sure to pay attention to each element: how it looks on the diagram and, most importantly, what is the semantic load from it.
  2. Source of current. Without its existence, no device will function on the circuit.
  3. Wires. They are conductive conductors. In the diagram are indicated by continuous straight lines. Points of intersection (nodes) denote the places of connection of elements.


  • It is always useful to divide a complex scheme into contours consisting of one or several branches. A branch is a section of a chain with the same current.
  • A lot of attention should be paid to the common wire. Relatively to it, almost all measurements and connection of peripheral devices are carried out. It flows through a common current for all elements.
  • For the calculation and analysis of circuits, it is necessary to use Ohm's law and the first and second Kirchhoff rules.

Of course, within the limits of one article it is impossiblepay attention to all the nuances, because not for nothing was written so many textbooks on circuitry and electronics. Do not forget that all the complicated circuits are made up of simple ones, which means that you can sort out any scheme. The main thing is as much practice as possible.

Additionally, read the article How to learn to read electrical circuits.

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