Winter is a test not only for man. Our shoes are not less stressed, because the dirt, melting snow, reagents, which sprinkle the roads from ice, leave untidy white stains on the surface. They not only spoil the appearance of boots and boots, but also have a destructive effect on the skin. How to clean salt from the surface of shoes?

The instruction on struggle against hydrochloric divorces

  1. First you need to clean the shoes of the white coating on the surface, with a dry clean brush. However, the salt is deeply ingested in the skin, so follow the instructions below.
  2. We use the tried and tested folk remedy - vinegar, diluted with water, in a ratio of 3: 1. Moistened with a sponge, it is necessary to wipe the soiled areas, then rinse with water.
  3. You can wash shoes with soapy water, rinse with water and wipe. It should be remembered that the skin spoils from hot water. Therefore, both the solution and the water should be slightly warm.
  4. For shoes heavily damaged by salt (if it isof a durable thick skin), this method is suitable. Wash shoes several times with a cloth soaked in warm water to make it wet, but not through and through. Try to gradually wash out the salt together with water, then wrap the shoes with paper towels in several layers and put it to dry. As the drying continues, the remaining salt will be absorbed into the paper.

After any of these procedures, shoes should be soaked with some fat. Suitable castor oil, petroleum jelly, baby cream and even bacon.

Clean the suede

And how to clean the suede from salt, because this material requires very careful care?

  1. Zamsh actually not recommended to wet. But since the shoes have already suffered, you will have to apply "tough" measures to it. Dirty areas should be washed well diluted in water with a detergent for washing delicate fabrics, then rinse with clean water.
  2. Some stains are well removed with the help of a solution of ammonia.
  3. After that, shoes must be dried. For this purpose, fill with a newspaper that absorbs moisture well, or use special electric dryers.
  4. When the shoes dry, you need to comb the hair with a special brush for suede.
  5. If the dirt is not very strong, you can just try to remove them with a brush or a dry bread crust. And to refresh the nap, you need to hold your boots over the steam.

Now you know how to clean shoes of salt, butit is better to try to prevent its appearance. Be sure to treat the shoes with special creams that penetrate deeply into the skin. Then apply a protective spray. Special suits are produced for suede. All of them are applied to dry shoes at least an hour before going out.

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