With the problem of how to get rid of fleas canface every person, regardless of possession of pets. After all, there are at least 1500 varieties of this type of parasite, and some can be safely brought by the person himself to the apartment from the outside. Therefore, when starting to remove bloodsuckers, we need to find out the source of their appearance. They can come both from neighbors, from cellars, and from dogs with cats and even on the owner's shoes.

How to get rid of fleas in animals

  • Shampoo, is one of the most popular andfast means. The wool of the animal should be thoroughly soaped and then rinsed thoroughly, so that the remedy does not remain on the surface of the fur. Otherwise, when licking, poisoning of your pet can occur.
  • The drops remain more safe and reliable. They are applied to the withers and quickly distributed throughout the body. When a flea makes a bite, it is poisoned and dies. The action of the medicine lasts about a month, without interfering with the bathing of the pet, already literally a couple of hours after the procedure.
  • Another effective tool is firbutter. It is rubbed into the skin of the animal, best of all in the folds on the body, and the fleas themselves leave their master. Fir oil can be used and man, in order to avoid bites.
  • Equally self-respecting drug isspray from fleas. It effectively operates for 3 months and does not require close contact with a four-legged friend. The peculiarity of the spray lies in the fact that it destroys the parasites at a distance. To avoid re-infection, it is necessary to process the places where the animal lives and lies.
  • Many owners think that the collars will becomealternative protection, but not always it is true. After all, for long hair they are useless. And if we take into account what chemical additives are included in their composition, then it is completely harmful.

In any case, before applying anythe product is better to consult a veterinarian, since the agent can cause an allergic reaction in the animal. It is best not to feel sorry for the money and use the drugs of a foreign manufacturer in order to avoid forgery of quality.

How to get rid of fleas in an apartment

If you are not allowed to live safely fleas inapartment, get rid of them help several methods. In order to finally withdraw them, you should conduct a general cleaning of the entire room. To begin with, vacuum carpets and sofas, then wash the floor with a remedy for fleas, and shampoo for animals. For washing the floors, a mixture of kerosene and soap is also effective. Such a solution is deadly for them already in 2 minutes. Repeat this procedure for a month. Do not forget about skirting boards, window sills and furniture, they also need to be thoroughly washed. Household items in which fleas can start should be washed, for example, slippers, soft toys, underwear, curtains.

  • You can use special aerosols. Diclofos is also suitable for these purposes. But you need to be careful and use the mask to not get chemical poisoning. For some time it's better to leave the dwelling and allow the pest to die. Then ventilate the room.
  • Similarly, from fleas in an apartment is easyget rid of if you mix salt and soda in equal amounts. In addition, it is simple and safe for people. It is only to rub this mixture into the carpet, so that it becomes invisible and leave for the night, and in the morning to vacuum the carpet.
  • Efficacy in the removal of parasites will addwormwood, tansy and air. Their scent repels and kills bloodsuckers. If you can not get rid of fleas by yourself, apart from anything else, there are disinfestation services. They will quickly reveal the accumulation of insects and reliably eliminate them.

The most terrible is a disease that can beto get infected from a small insect, how to get rid of fleas at home and save yourself and your pets? The most common diseases remain: hepatitis B and C virus, plague microbe, salmonella, typhus and many others.

During the removal of parasites should be careful to prevent toxic poisoning in children and animals. It is most reliable to spend a day or two sleeping with friends or relatives.

In case you managed to get rid of fleas inapartment, it is worth remembering that their most important enemy is purity. Therefore, regularly monitor the order of the house, often bathe pets. Thus, you can not only get rid of, but also prevent the appearance of uninvited insects.

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