The problem of overweight is one of the most popular amonggirls. However, if you try to lose weight too much, then you risk acquiring a variety of diseases of varying severity. How much should a girl weigh to not just look good, but also feel great, we will tell in our article.

Ideal weight for a girl

The ideal weight for a girl is calculated taking into accountseveral factors such as height, body type, age. From the medical point of view, in order to determine your own ideal weight, the girl needs to resort to the formula for calculating the Quetelet index - body mass index (BMI). The body mass index is a value that allows you to assess the correspondence between the body weight and its growth. As a result, the body weight may be normal, insufficient or excessive. The author of the formula for computing BMI was the Belgian statistician and sociologist Adolf Quetelet in 1869.

weight girl
BMI is calculated by the following formula: I = m / h2. In this case, I is the body mass index, m -the total body weight of a person in kilograms, and h is the height of a person in meters. Suppose that your body weight is 85 kg, and the height is 164 cm. Then according to the formula, I = 85 / (1.64 * 1.64) = 31.6 kg / m2. Further, in order to evaluate the result obtained, it is necessary to resort to the BMI table. You can easily see it here.

We only note that the ideal body mass index for girls is a BMI of 19 to 24 kg / m2.

However, do not rush to go on a diet ifit turns out that your BMI exceeds the norm or, conversely, does not reach it. The fact is that the Quetelet index does not take into account the specific amount of muscle mass and fat in the body, as well as the density of bones. It is for this reason that it is absolutely ineffective for professional athletes, whose muscle mass far exceeds the average values ​​of ordinary people. To help you determine the final ratio of weight and height, you need a specialist who can take into account all the indicators. To do this, he additionally measures the volume index of the body. We note at once that it will not be possible to measure this index at home, since the method is based on the use of a three-dimensional scanner.

Thus, it can be concluded thatthere is an ideal weight for girls. This parameter is individual for each individual. However, many years of experience of doctors helped to make a table of average height-weight indicators.

Table of weight and height of girls

Let us consider the average growth-weight indices forgirls under 35 years old. We draw your attention to the fact that they are not the only correct ones and do not take into account the individual features of the physique of each individual person.

Height (cm) Weight, kg)
155 50
157 52
160 53
162 56
165 57
167 59
170 61

If you want to learn more about how to properly follow a figure, read our articles How much you can sit on a diet and How much to eat per day.

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