Unfortunately, many babies can not sleep peacefully all night. The phenomenon is quite common and often causes concern for parents.

To help your baby sleep peacefully all night, you need to first understand the reasons why the child wakes up and what worries him.

Natural causes

There are a number of reasons that are normal and should not cause parents anxiety or anxiety:

  • Up to 1 year of waking up and sobbing in a dream isthe physiological need of the body to let go of the experiences or emotions experienced for the day. On the other causes of crying in a dream you will learn from the article Why a child cries in a dream.
  • If you wake up at night the baby can not fall asleep without the mother - this is normal: just a kid needs a sense of protection and tranquility. After receiving the desired, the child will quickly fall asleep.
  • Wincing in a dream that often leads towaking the baby. This is a consequence of the immature child's nervous system, which is still difficult to control all its reflexes, and this is what happens in a dream involuntary flinch. It is worth a little wait, as soon as all the systems of the body get stronger and develop sufficiently, the child will sleep calmer.

Other causes of frequent awakening

Many factors can affect a child's calm sleep, among them there are some that parents should pay attention to and, if possible, eliminate them.

  • Hunger. Up to 6 months, it is difficult for a child to sleep through the night without snacks. However, if a child is older and unable to fall asleep without her mother's breast or looking for it every 2 hours to suck, then it's worth thinking about weaning. Be patient and remember that you are doing this for the good of the child. Also, the breast can be replaced with a bottle of milk, and after a while to pour into it a simple boiled water. You'll see, the baby will lose interest in this simple drink and will sleep soundly throughout the night.
  • The reason may lie in the illness. If crying in a dream is sharp and loud, after which the child is difficult to calm, then most likely the baby is tormented by pain in the neck, tummy anxiety, erupting teeth, stuffed nose, temperature or cough.
  • Temperature in the room. For normal sleep, the optimal temperature regime in the room varies from 18 to 20 degrees. If the room is warmer and you can not do anything about it, then try to remove excess clothing from the child.
  • Overcrowded diaper. Kids are very sensitive to any irritants, so it's worth checking whether it's time to change the diaper.

Be attentive to your kids. Restless sleep can be a signal of a disease or simply outrage because of disturbing sounds or a terrible sleep.

How to help your baby

If you are worried, why the child cries, when he wakes up, then it is worth taking measures that will help the baby to sleep peacefully all night.

  • If the child is awake, hug him, gently pat on the back and say that you are near. Such actions will calm the crumb if he saw a bad dream or just did not find his mother next to him.
  • Normalize all conditions in the room for a healthysound sleep: sufficient humidity, temperature regime, the absence of bright stimuli and nearby toys. If necessary, include a faint night light, so that the child is not afraid to remain alone in the dark.
  • If you have any suspicions about some kind ofa sign of the disease, then immediately measure the temperature or give a medicine for the pain in the neck. Do not wait in the morning, as the condition may worsen and the baby still can not sleep without your help. If the temperature is high, take immediate action or call a doctor.
  • Teach your child that the bed is a place forsleep, and not for games, and take away all the entertainment from it. However, if the crumb does wake up because of bad dreams or fear of sleeping on its own, the psychologists recommend starting a "protector". It can be any toy with which the baby will go to bed and feel protected.

You can find out more about the problems of sleeping at night with children from the article Why a child does not sleep well at night.

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