Normal blood pressure -120 by 80 mm Hg. Art. If the tonometer showed large figures, then your pressure is increased. This can occur as a result of taking certain medications, and because of serious diseases.

The possible causes of hypertension and the importance of its treatment are described in detail below.

Causes of high blood pressure

Vessels, heart

If you do not know why the pressure rises, then first of all the suspicion should fall on the cardiovascular system. It is often the cause of hypertension.

The increase in pressure will be facilitated byincreased vascular tone, which is observed with narrowing of arteries or arterioles, because in order for blood to overcome narrow areas to the heart, it is necessary to work more intensively. And this, in turn, determines the release of large amounts of blood into the vascular bed. The whole system literally works for wear, trying to maintain normal blood flow in the body.

Oral contraceptives

Such drugs contain female genitalhormones estrogen, which can provoke a pressure increase. True, this happens rarely - about 5-7% of women, but there is always a risk. So if you have been able to find out by experience that it is the contraceptives that have such a negative effect on your body, then be sure to consult a gynecologist. Perhaps, it is necessary to change the type of contraception.


Many serious kidney diseases are accompanied byincreased blood pressure. This pyelonephritis, and urolithiasis, glomerulonephritis and male scourge - prostatitis. Also accompanied by hypertension vascular lesions of the kidney: fibromyschechnaya dysplasia of the renal artery, atherosclerosis.

The doctor-urologist will help to diagnose and recognize the disease. He will give you this or that kind of urine test, as well as ultrasound of the kidneys and adrenal glands.

Brain Injury

Can cause why risingblood pressure, and trauma, inflammatory diseases of the brain or spinal cord, even if they were transferred several years ago. After all, many diseases leave an indelible mark on the state of health of the body.

Hormonal changes

If hypertension is accompanied by weakness in the muscles, and a blood test shows a lack of potassium, then it is possible that there are problems with the production of such an aldosterone hormone.

But if the pressure rises by suddenseizures, accompanied by tachycardia, sweating, trembling in the muscles and intensive cortisol production (as well as abnormalities in other hormones), that is, it makes sense to check the adrenal glands for a benign neoplasm.

In addition, the causes of hypertension can be excessive drinking and smoking, stress and sedentary lifestyle, lack of potassium in the body, overweight and so on.

As to why pressure risesat night (this phenomenon is specific, because at night the pressure usually decreases), then there can also be a lot of reasons. And this problem requires an immediate call to the doctor, because it is considered a complicated, and therefore even more dangerous form of hypertension.

The Importance of Treating Hypertension

Many people successfully live with increased pressure,believing that if they feel normal, then there is nothing to worry about. In fact, this is not so. Modern cardiologists set themselves an uncompromising task of reducing the patient's pressure to the maximum permissible values, even in those cases when he does not complain about his health. In fact, hypertension in the absence of treatment will almost certainly cause deadly diseases, including myocardial infarction and cerebral stroke.

If you already suffer from hypertension, then you need to take care of your body as diligently as possible:

  • Keep pressure under control.
  • Visit the cardiologist and take good medications to normalize the pressure.
  • Adjust your weight back to normal.
  • Take care of that in your life was healthy food, clean fresh water, full sleep and rest, sports. Eat enough, but do not overeat.
  • Forget about fast food, fatty and very salty, spicy food, an abundance of flour and confectionery. Refuse from smoking and alcohol.
  • Learn not to be nervous. Stress is one of the satellites of hypertension.

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  • Why is pressure increased?
  • High blood pressure, what to do
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